chapter 28

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searing, white-hot burning pain

Nothing you've ever felt before.

that's all you felt running up from your side to your shoulder, just grazing your neck. you couldn't even get the voice to shriek, it was so painful. your eyes rolled to the back of your head as tongue lolled out the side of your mouth and you choked on the blood that seeped from your mouth. then you saw a flash. your cinematic records... your life... it flashed before you.

you could make out the silhouette of a human. they had a nice scent about him. you must have been a house cat. then... you saw your parents.

your mother, a beautiful, fluffy (color) javanese cat with brilliant blue eyes. she was sweet, gentle and caring to you. she was the one who taught you to be kind to everyone and everything around you. to respect those who give respect back. to make those happy.

and your father... a pure (fur length) white javanese with (color) eyes. he was a bit more proud and prideful. He loved to play with you and helped train you with self-defense. he was the one who taught you to follow your heart. to do what you thought was right. To trust your insticts.

finally... your owner... you... didn't remember much of them. but all's you knew was that he took great pride in your perfectly bred condition. They weren't around often, but did provide you with food and care along with grooming. They didn't speak much, but you do at some point remember them saying these quotes at some point of your life.

"soon, you'll bring light... even to the darkest of hearts."

"oooooooh! interesting! But... I know there's much more to you..." you barely heard grell taunt as you hit the ground hard on the left side of your face, scraping your cheek and nicking your eye. Finally you skid to a hault, laying in shock and pain. "NO!! (NAME)!!" you hear Ciel shriek and hear the thudding of his footsteps run toward you. But, soon everything started to fade in the background... your vision.. sounds.. alls you ca the warmth of your blood flowing from your wound, pooling around you... the stench of it filling your senses... you shut your eye slowly, just wishing the pain would stop. Just let this nightmare end... your wish was granted, as you felt a cold welcoming numbness slowly encase your body... this was it... forgive me, master Ciel... "mew..." you weakly meowed as your vision finally fades to black.

you blink as you come into a bright field with a pleasant, warm sunshine about you. you look around. So grassy and flowery. where am I..? you walk about looking around, slightly uneasy. why am I by myself..? you then caught scent of a familiar perfume. you look over to see a woman with red hair standing beside someone there, looking at you. madam! you run to her and immediately rub against her leg. "hello, little (name)." she said, rubbing your head tenderly. you look up at the person with her. a strawberry blonde woman with Sapphire eyes. Rachel, I presume. "I just... want to say..." she started. she held a hand under your chin so that you may look at her deep blue eyes. "thank you. for helping my boy remember the joy of love again." she frowned. "the path he choice may be dark... but you helped warm him. significantly... I'm glad to have chosen you." she warmly said. but... why me...? madam red smiled, chuckling. "you're a special kitten, haven't I told you?" you tipped your head to the side. her... boy...? Rachel's boy.. is.. your eyes widened. CIEL!

you jerked back and frantically looked about. Oh no! what became of him? what became of me!? "don't worry. he is fine. and you'll find your way back." madam red reassured. you looked back at her sadly. but.. aren't... you coming? madam red looked somber and stepped back. "..I'm afraid this is the end for me." she said. your ears flattened as the words filled your ears. but... you... this isn't.. she crouched to your height. "it is the end of the line for me. in a way, I am finally at rest. I may not be able to continue... but you can." she said to you softly. you lowered your head. "you can continue to lead Ciel through his darkest times until the end." you looked up at her. a tear running down your cheek. I'll do in your honor, milady. she smiled and leaned down...

and planted a soft kiss on your head. That alone sent warm rippling through your body.

"thank you..." she said, wiping your tear away. "Don't let me down.." you nod turn around and begin to run back from them. Halfway, you pause and take a moment to glance back at them, and they are already walking another direction, talking to one another. But.. her after crimes... will she ever find redemption...? You shut your eyes for a moment.. please.. have mercy on her... she is but a broken soul. she had lost herself to grieve and betrayal. Let her find peace. Just this time...

you reopen your eyes to find them gone. You sigh. May you finally find happiness, madam. After a few moments you turn back and continue your run until a blindingly light engulfed you.

you blink as you awake with a gasp. you were laying in.. hospital bed... I'm back... you were sore all over. you felt chilly from the shaved fur on your side. You turned your head slightly and saw stitching run from your side, to your shoulder, just grazing your neck. You winced. That's... gonna leave an ugly scar.. you lift your head slowly and try to look at your surroundings better. but... you can barely see out of your left eye. Oh yeah.. the rough concrete must have screwed me up.. you then heave a heavy sigh. But.. master is okay.. and.. I got to say goodbye to madam and meet Rachel... so.. there's that.. that was when you heard footsteps approach you. then that all too familiar, smooth voice. "ahh.. mistress. thank goodness." He actually sounded genuinely relieved. "for a moment, I'd worried you wouldn't make it. you were barely breathing.." you blinked. what..? "young master was also quite worried, as well. you were out for a the entirety of that night, you know." He sighed lightly "master was quite hysterical... he went so far as to force the staff here to tend to you." he smirked, seemingly remembering something quite amusing. "I must say. I've never seen a noble act quite like that before.. kicking and screaming like a 5 year old..." he shook his head. "anyhow, he still must be worried sick. it's the evening now..." your eyes widened. what!? but it felt like a few minutes! "well... I'm sure he'll be thrilled to find you have survived the ordeal. once you heal to the appropriate condition, I shall bring you home. master has a lot of work to do after all. be good, now." he said with a wink. with a light itch on the head, he exited your room. at first you feel overwhelming joy at going back home to master ciel... but then you shrink into your bed as you recalled two things that frightened you.

you're gonna have to face ciel..

after you disobeyed him...


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