chapter 35

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the meeting between your master and Harry carry on casually, but you can't help but see how bruised and shaken the poor maiden was. she couldn't even prepare tea without trembling. finally, sebastian took over that task as she stepped back, wearily. poor maiden... you take the opportunity to perk your ears and try to listen in on the conversation. something about Barrymore castle and... a curse. any interface with its village or dogs will become cursed.. something the queen couldn't even handle. seems like he was trying to intimidate Ciel out of his mission. but of course, this doesn't faze him. in fact, it only fuels his interest.

Fool. You sneered internally

it's gonna take more than a little curse to stop the queen's guard dog...

later that day, you decide to go off and check on the servants. a bit of walking around and you come up to a musty, old scarcely furnished room of sorts. there, you find all the servants there, nice and situated. they were conversing with the maiden, who is named Angela. she's the only maiden of the abode! very impressive! "mreow!" you pipe, catching the servants' attention. "oh! hi, little (name)!" finny chirps cheerfully. hiya! "myea!" you pipe politely. Angela turns to you and her eyes brighten. "ah, is that what her name is?" she asks, her eyes twinkling a lot brighter than usual. "yup. but it's rare for her to leave master's side, even for a moment." bard explains, sounding lightly surprised at the last part. you hum and raise your head, puffing out your chest in a proud stance. I do what I want.

you take a step forward, and Angela suddenly holds out her hand. Ah, a very CLEAR sign of wanting you to come over. and who were you to refuse a good scratch behind the ears? you eagerly trot up to her and nuzzle and rub against her pale, slightly bruised hand, taking in her sweet scent. she lets out a sigh of delight at your friendliness.

"oh, what a dear she is!" she exclaims, petting you and itching gently behind the ears. "hmhm! she's quite a proper lady, she is!" mey-rin pipes. "yeah, she's actually quite special. you could even say she's so almost human wit' her way of thinkin'!" bard said, chuckling. Angela didn't seem to hear him as she seemed almost entranced by you. you look up at her with your bright (color) eye and she smiles softly. "that gaze... that is the purest gaze I've ever seen on a creature..." she mutters, cupping your face. you blink, slightly taken aback by the genuine edge in her voice. I beg your- "mreo-"

Ding! Ding! ding! ding!

ah. at the sound of the bell, Angela almost immediately stands up from her seat. "I have to go right away. my master is calling. please excuse me." she turns to you, a very sweet smile on her face. "come along, I know your master is wondering where you are as well." with that she turns and exits the room. as you go to tail her, you briefly look back at finny, who is dreamily staring off at the direction Angela went. how cute.

who wouldn't love a sweet woman like angela?

that night, you lay curled up beneath a table, as he reads a book, with sebastian brushing off his clothing. he's getting ready to turn in for the night. and it's about time... that is until Angela enters the room. she looks more weary than she should. like something was wrong. you also sensed her strong tension. what's the occasion? "I have a request to make.." she says suddenly. "leave the castle," she blurts. "leave the village completely! you mustn't say here." you look up at the maiden, quite taken off guard by her urgency. whoa what? "mreow?" you absentmindedly pipe as ciel doesn't even look up from a paragraph he's reading. "and why is that?" he asks nonchalantly, as if she wasn't in a rush. "I can't say-"

that was when a blood-curdling howl split the relatively silent room, causing you to jump and smack your head into the top of the table with a thunk that caught ciel's attention for a brief moment, as he looks at you with a look of concern.

"no..." Angela whispers, terrified now. "the demon hound!"

"It's coming!"

The what, now? "Mreow??" You asked, now on edge as you crept out from under the table. You turn your head and leap at what's in the curtains.

Massive silhouette of a wolf's head.

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