chapter 37

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you snap your head up at the voice, swallowing your mouthful as you perk your ears in interest. you turn to see a few men running somewhere holding various tools. "we've got james' dog! hurry the punishment is about to begin!" your pupils shrink and your breathing hitches. punishment..!! not again! without thinking, you leap from the spot and dash into the direction the men are heading, ignoring the calls of the servants.

I can't let this happen! I won't let this happen! not this time!

you run for quite sometime, ignoring the burning in your limbs and lungs, determined to rescue an innocent being from the clutches of this PSYCHOTIC town. after a while, you come up to some kind of stone corner, with wooden stakes near the upper half. judging by the crowd of people, you couldn't squeeze through without someone seeing and stopping you. with a sigh, you realize you must climb those monstrous wooden stakes. after stealthily running towards the side of the wood protected corner, you look down at your thorn sharp (color) claws and back up to the wood. I hope I still remember how to do this right. with a huff, you rear onto your hind legs and grasp the old bark, pulling yourself up, you climb the makeshift wall at a steady rate. heh, I haven't lost my edge! you snicker at your own thought as you quickly worked your way up the wall. at first with stealthy stalker steps, as you still needed to adjust to the new force of gravity, then once you got the hang of it, you were technically leaping up the wall in great strides. all the while, you heard the angry protests. I can't let this being die! Not like this!

finally, you reach the top and carefully perch yourself between the jagged peaks and glanced down. below your eagle's view, you see a crowd of people angrily waving pitchforks, sickles and other farming tools at a poor dog chained to the concrete wall... but he looked quite defiant. satisfied. almost triumphant. ahead of him were 5 dogs, all too eager to tear into their own kin. oh no.... "he's got something in his mouth!" a man calls. you can't see from here, but a man from the crowd goes and tries to retrieve it to no avail. even going so far.. as to WHACK the dog with a stick in order to get it... but that determined little dog held strong to his trinket. Harry stares at the dog in disdain. you can't hear too well from high up, but you loosely make out the words. "what a bad dog. be deserves punishment." with a gesture he says, "let's get started." with that.. the dogs were let off.. towards that young dog! they were ready to tear into him!

not if I have anything to do with it!

in one motion, you leapt down from your perch and land hard on your (color) pads in front of the 5 dogs before they even reached him. STAY BACK, YOU BONE-HEADS!! "REEEAAAAOOOW!!" you yowl, arching your back and fluffing your pelt out to make you 3× your size. the dogs skidded to a halt and looked quite startled at your appearance. a gasp was heard from the crowd, and you could hear astonished voices call.

"it's a cat!"

"is that a cat!? why's there a cat here!?"

"a cat intervened with the punishment!?"

"why is that cat defending that bad dog!?"

Harry was the most furious, seeing you intervene with his sick form of punishment. "YOU!! GET OUT OF HERE, YOU MISERABLE LITTLE RAT!!" he roars stepping forward. the dog behind you, blinks completely astonished. are.. you a cat? what are you doing here, cat?? "rrrrrrrgghh...?" the dog whimpers between clenched teeth. you ignore the questions outside and focus on the black dog that got over his shock and stepped forward, baring his fangs. what do we have here? "grrrrrrr....." he snarls, sniffing at you. you repress an urge to bat his snout away and instead sink your claws into the hard earth. a sweet little pussycat. in a village of dogs. why are you even here? surely you know what's to come for your little so called rescue? "RrrrrRAArgh!" he snarls, foaming slightly at the mouth. you defiantly snort and flatten your ears further down. oh I do. but I can't let you just tear into this soul simply because you're told to do so! "MRREOW!" you rebuke harshly. the black dog pricks his ears forward. ohh? how so? How would a disobedient little furball like you know? "rrrrrhhh?"

you look around at the 5 dogs, a angered, disappointed yet sad glare. don't you see what you're doing?! you're ripping your own comrades for what, positive words and maybe treats?? no! how could you do this just to make a human happy!? "Mrreooow!!" you exclaim, stamping a paw into the ground. don't you see the wrong in this?? "mmmreoow??" to your shock, the dogs had a weary look as they stepped back, as if they were confronted with a hard truth. this sent a ripple of outrage through the audience behind.

"what's it doing!? how'd it make the dogs stop?!"

"it-it stopped the punishment somehow?!"

"impossible! a cat PAUSED the punishment!"

"what's it doing!? why'd they stop!?"

Harry was absolutely stunned. he stood there, mouth agape. "i-Impossible..."

you sigh. where's the satisfaction in all of what you're doing? it's all going to be the same thing. "mreow..." you sighed solemnly. the dogs all looked at each other for a brief moment, whimpering. you don't understand, cat. "arrrArrrrr...."  a brown dog protested, stepping forward. we get bad punishments if we don't follow through to this! "Aaaarrrk!" a grey dog steps up. we have to do this! it is our destiny. we can't change it! "rraarrruuugh..." another black dog stepped forward. we are trained to take out bad dogs. the dog behind you is bad. we must get rid of him! "ARF!" you shake your head, devastated. no no no! come on! think clear here! you have your own will, don't you!? "Mreeowww!" you yowl desperately. please reconsi- "mrrre-" the lead black dog steps forward, his gaze hard, but now sympathetic.

I see what you are trying to do cat. and I can believe I'm saying this, but we appreciate your concerns. "BArk." he speaks firmly. but... this is our destiny. our business. there is nothing you can do to change our minds on that. "Rarf!" your ears sag. the dog exhales through his nose. you are brave, feline. I'll give you that. but I'm afraid your efforts are fruitless. now please... move. so we can finish this. "Rrrrarf.." he says, almost somberly. you sigh and shut your eyes for a brief moment. well... this went to hell... oh well... one last thing.. you crouch and lash your tail. you truly seek approval? fine. then fight me first. this way, no one will know of your hesitance. "mrreow." you muttered pitifully, much to the dogs' surprised. what..? but... you can't possibly- "rrrrrhhhh?" the black dog whimpered, but you stubbornly shook your head. if.. i don't survive, it will take the scolding off. you got rid of a meddling cat in a punishment. I'm sure you won't be rebuked with that. just do it. "Reow." you reply stubbornly. the dogs resume growling, but the black dog gives you the look.. of respect. you are a noble one, feline. I will remember your words and sacrifice. but now we must end this. "rrraf." with that the dogs came at you. you sigh and unsheathed your claws.

so be it.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't relive that horrific scene. ;_;

♤The Phantomhive Feline♤ Ciel Phantomhive X kitten readerWhere stories live. Discover now