chapter 36

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Kyaaaaaaa! "Reeaaaow!" you yell, arching your back, fur standing on end. THAT'S A BIG DOG! Ciel quickly scoops you up and holds you upto his chest, and you instinctively wrap your forelegs around his shoulders. "Sebastian!" he quickly called, in which he quickly runs over and yanks the curtains apart.

nothing. nothing was there!

you were still shaken nonetheless. Ciel stroked the back of your head and walked up to the window, clearly unsettled now. "what was that..?" he asks, holding your trembling form. "master.." sebastian murmurs. "look there." he points to a creature moving among the shadows. behind it, a trail of illuminating trail of some sort. Ciel suddenly pushes you onto his shoulder and you instinctively perch yourself there. "come along, dear."

outside, he crouches down and scoops a sample of the illuminating substance and examines it between his fingers. he hums, as if he'd figured out a prank and holds it up to your muzzle, allowing you to sniff it. eek. that's a strange scent.. of course the commotion woke the servants and they all race out to him, asking about it. "it's the demon hound." Angela repeated, somberly. "it brings great catastrophe to the village." she elaborates somberly. "anyone who defies my master will be punished by the demon hound." you feel your breath get caught in your throat. punished...? by.. a demon hound...? "that is the law and there is no way to stop it." oh... no... no no... this is bad! you feel ciel hold you tighter as you begin to tremble again. "Angela!" that was when a man runs up to you all hastily. "please wake up lord Barrymore." he breathes. "the demon hound has come again." Angela has a very weary look as he turned to face him. "who was the punished one?" she asks worriedly.

the... punished one?

oh my whiskers. "mruuuurw...." you murmur lowly, looking down at a man's lifeless body. it was riddled in bite marks, bruises. the poor man even had a leash around his neck. with surges of empathy piercing your chest. "so that's it then.." ciel mutters bitterly. "stand back! don't touch." you jerk your head up as you swing your head towards none other than Harry himself. "I see it was james, then." he says, looking down at the man. "he was the bad dog." a man spoke up. "yes, he broke the legal restriction on dog ownership, he had 6 dogs, one more than is allowed. "a sixth dog." Harry shut his eyes, looking more irritated than somber. "then this was inevitable."

WHAT!? your face takes the visible look of both shock and disgust. ALL THIS OVER ONE EXTRA DOG!?! Harry must have caught your sneer, as he was close enough to see you in the half light from the villager's torches, from sebastian's shoulder because he glared at you for a split moment before returning his attention to the phantomhive groups. "this village is under my rule and no other!" he snarls. "the demon hound protects my rule! as the guardian of the Barrymore family, it punishes anyone and everyone who dares challenge me!" his gaze meets yours, as if he were directing that... threat towards you. you lean back as the villagers begin to chant in a very.. creepy chorus.

the white dog is a good dog, a good dog, the black dog is a bad dog, a bad dog, he'll eat your flesh down to the bone, down to the bone, he'll gobble you up 'til you're gone, 'til your gone, lullaby the sun sets, lullaby and goodnight.

all they while they carry the poor man's corpse away....  you feel quite sick now. "I was sure you outsiders were going to be it's next prey." he says, again his gaze flicking deliberately to you. "you were lucky to have escaped.." now you felt attacked, almost. he didn't even remove his gaze from you at that last part.

Haha... aah... I don't know if I can take much more.

next day, you were still slightly traumatized from last night. you laid on bard's head. the servants weren't enjoying their holiday as much either. but as if you didn't feel unsafe there already. being a cat in a dog's village. NOW I have to worry about a massive demon hound? "what's the matter? you were so excited on the way here." you look over to see sebastian, standing there all smiles. you don't have to worry about being dog chow. "mrrroooaaw." you reply grumpily. sebastian sighs, genuinely upset that you're so gloomed. "don't be so gloomy. we're on a holiday!" he says cheerfully, holding up a picnic basket. "it's a time for relaxing!"

your ear perks at the word 'relax' I could use some of that...

you watched with amusement as the servants enjoy themselves in the local watering hole. you take a few steps into the water, only up to your paws, enjoying the nice warm water in your fur. you purr lightly and splash at bit in the water, using your paw to fling a bit of water here and there, enjoying the refreshing sound of water. if only there were fish in here... you thought with a sigh, staring down at your reflection in the water. "would you look at that!" bard laughs, looking at you. "a cat that likes water!" you purr and nod. In the flesh! "Nya!" You chirp happily. turn to your master, watching as he reads somewhere near the water. you coming in any time soon, master? "Meeeooorw?" you call to him, trotting over to his seat. he shakes his head and turns the page he's reading. you tip your head to the side and sit beside his chair. since you were out of earshot of the servants, as they were in their own world, you felt safe to speak English. "come on... it's really fun! please?" you urged. he remained silent. that was when a thought hit you.. "can... you not swim-" he held up a hand to pause you. "(name), please." he said, gently but sternly. "don't make a fuss over this little pond." he put his hand back down and you shut your mouth with a snap. "besides, just because you can bathe, doesn't mean it's a resort." you squint your eyes slightly. "but you're going to make it one anyway." you mewed softly. he nods. "Naturally." you snicker. "so it IS technically a re-" you pause at a stern look he gives you. "n-nevermind." you mutter, bringing a paw to your mouth, so you can lick it off. "good girl." he chuckles to himself and continues reading.

"what about this demon hound?" sebastian queries, making you pause your grooming at the mention of it. "surely you know how as well as I by now that this demon hound is no dog." ciel quips, making you snap your head up. Not a dog? what does he mean, not a dog?? "shall we discuss it further?" you're staring off into space as those words play over and over in your mind. this hound is no dog... oh whiskers, what is this place, even?? how could this happen? why was it allowed to happen!? who's the dolt who brought this deity to this little village in the first damned place!!? "(name)." you flinch slightly as ciel calls to you, tapping your head lightly. "you seem you seem out of it. are you alright, dear?" he asks, looking at you in mild concern. you stare slightly then nod quickly. "yeah! just uh..." ciel itches you behind the ears. "why don't you go get something to eat? you barely ate this morning after all." he suggested softly. you nodded, recalling on how you were too tense to eat much that morning. you bowed in agreement. "yeah.. that makes sense.." you mutter to yourself as you trotted up to the servants, who were eating themselves.

taking in the delicious aromas, you turned up your charm. got room for one more? "nyaa?" you asked cutely looking up at you with adorable (color) eyes. everyone there all chuckled and cooed at you, as tanaka chuckled his usual chuckle and patted your head. "hiya, (name)!" finny chirps cheerfully. Angela looked absolutely thralled to see you. "ah, hello again, sweet little kitten" she cooed. bard scoots over and pats the spot next to him. "come ere' have a seat!" you purr and comply, sitting beside him. mey-rin digs in the basket and pulls out a small cake with a small fish shaped biscuit on it. "here, sebastian made this for you!" she sets it down before you and you immediately take a big bite out of it. ah, (flavor)! my favorite! everyone giggles at your cuteness and continue to eat and chat. Mmm... this is rather nice... that is until you hear someone.

a triumphant shout, in fact.

"we've got him! the bad dog's been caught!"

♤The Phantomhive Feline♤ Ciel Phantomhive X kitten readerWhere stories live. Discover now