chapter 27

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Ciel looked over and gasped in terror as he saw that familiar (color) javanese running at madam red. "(N-Name)!?" you threw yourself in front of the red woman. she gapped at you. "Wha!!" you glared at her and stood bravely in front of ciel. she stared at you the same way she did when she was at the house. "what are you..." she muttered. you rose your head so your (color) eyes can stare right past her red ones, reaching very deeply into your soul. you blinked as you opened your mouth. and pure words effortlessly came out.

"you don't want to do this."

her eyes widened. "your sister wouldn't want you to do this either." you said somberly. her eyes quivered as she stepped back, dropping her blade. "what's this, what's this?" you turn to see grell had eased up up on Sebastian and was walking towards you.

"so... the cat is something special after all! really, what a twist of events!" he snickered coldly as you glared at him. "really! who would have guessed! A cat that can actually talk!" You narrowed your eyes at him and hissed. "but in all do honesty, some human tongued hairball shouldn't stop you from doing what must be done. go ahead and kill the little brat!" he sneered. madam red was sobbing into her hands as she stared at Ciel. "I loved my sister... I loved her husband..." she sniffled, looking at Ciel with tear filled eyes. "I loved their child..." she then looked down at you. "This cat..." she muttered. she picks you up and holds you up. "you... you were sent by her weren't you..?" she asked you in a whisper. you stare back, unsure on how to answer that. "you were... you must have... you were picked by my sister to watch her son for her... I see her in your eyes.." you blinked. Was I? she started trembling. "I can't..." she said. "I can't kill their beloved son..." you shake your head and give an approving nod. you heard grell scoff. "you're seriously letting a talking animal talk you out of ending the one that'll end you? you must be kidding!" she gulped. "No... this dear boy..." she placed you into ciel's arms and stroked your head. she then turned to grell. "this child is-" then at once, he plunged the chainsaw deep into her chest. "too late for that! how disappointing! what use are you if you are just another woman?" you gasped in horror as he just threw her aside like nothing and watched her flop limply to the ground. then... a bunch of cinematic flashes started pouring out of her wound. her life. you saw it.. you saw it all.

the pain she suffered. everything just slipped away from her. happiness. love. her family. all of it. just slipping away. ciel was the only one she had left. what did she do to deserve this?

a tear ran down her face as she lie there, blood pooling around her. grell looked down at her, with the faint smile stretched on his face. "you were so beautiful, dyed in the color red. I loved you so." he walked towards her. "what a disappointment you turned out to be." then he suddenly stripped her of her red jacket. "you don't have what it takes to wear red. your cheap little melodrama ends now." he dryly stated as he put on her jacket and pulled his scythe from the ground. you felt blood roar through your ears at the damn reaper. you didn't know why. but you just felt a burst of anger surge forth. What had she done to get any of this? Why did she have to go like this? It's... not fair! without even thinking, you leapt out of ciel's arms and bolted towards the being, claws unsheathed. "(name)! stop this instant!" Ciel called, but... you ignored him. justice was to be served. she died in vain. she died in PAIN. grell swung his head around in time to see you lunging at him. "take THIS!" you yowled as you rose your clawed paw at him. he suddenly had a wild smile burst across his face. "how cute!" he snickered, effortlessly dodging your attack. and you barely have enough time to catch yourself as you were sent sprawling to your belly. "the little fiend thinks she can defeat me!" you get up and turn back at him, tail lashing behind you. "shut up, you psychotic red lumberjack!" you hissed

"oooh~ really, now, what a ballsy little kitty you are!" he grinned dangerously. "You know.. I should be blaming you for this. if you hadn't existed, she would have carried on with covering herself in lovely red!" he spat, looking quite angry. you shook your head. "no. she would have stopped herself anyway. like she said before, ciel was her sister's beloved child. she couldn't kill him off like you thought she could.. ciel was the last thing she had of her family. almost like a life line in this raging ocean of a world." your eyes bore into him as you curled your lip. "it's easy for valuable things to be swallowed up in it's treacherous waves if you aren't careful. the poor women only had a mere life raft left when her already damaged cruise ship sank." you sadly look over to her bloodied body. "too bad a certain shark had to come up and bite a big hole into it." grell merely laughed at your words and took a few step towards you. "aw, what a poetic little thing you are. you're just as dramatic as she was." he gestured to her corpse. "only... you are far more better with your words, if I do say so myself. pity that kid owns you. or you aren't human that matter.. we would have made things work." he said, with an almost seductive flair in his voice. "We still could, you know... you can ditch that brat and come with me instead! What do you say, hmm?" you scowled in disgust. "me? work with YOU!? NEVER!" you yowled. you huffed as you crouched into the pounce position. the corners of your mouth lifting into a wild smirk. "And sure, I won't be able to defeat a reaper. but let's see you try to defeat anyone with limited to no eyesight!" you hissed lunging for his face. he scoffed and flipped his hair back dramatically. "how pitiful! you could have been an excellent companion to me! now you're just another little pest!" he activated his scythe. "Such shame!" he grinned at you. "but... let's see how that (color) fur of yours looks in the beautiful color of red!"

then he swung it at you in full speed.

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