Falling in love with him.. Again.

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Chapter 16

Katrina's Point of view**


My mum has been talking non-stop since she came here. About the accident.. Shes gonna 'sue' SM... Gonna tell dad and more annoying shits.

"Are you even listening to me?" She yelled as she took out a lunchbox. I rolled my eyes and nod. When is this gonna stop? Seriously why did she even went here? What, just to yell at me?! She handed me a chopstick and a spoon and gestured me to eat. I took it out of her hand and rolled my eyes.

"Are you giving me attitudes?!" She sat down

"Ugh! Mum?! Why are even here?!" I let out

"God, Katrina! I'm gonna sue that Soo Man or whatever his name is!" She shouted

"Mum-" i was cut off by a loud laugh coming from the door "Hello there Katrina, this must be your mum?" i sighed, its Lee Soo Man. This guy is freaking annoying.

"Mum, Lee Soo Man, Lee Soo Man, my Mum." I introduce

"Mrs Saines?" Soo Man said, oh shiit. My mum doesnt go by the name of my dad "no, Its Ms. Jung, thank you very much" mum said ignoring his hand.


Hours past and my mum keeps on freaking arguing with Lee Soo Man. I've had enough! "EOMMA!" I yelled as hard as i can, then they all looked at me "enough! I'm tired, Mr. Lee and eomma please.. just get out." I said, i felt bad saying that since i said it in a ver unmannered way.

My mum sighed and bid her goodbye and she kissed me in the forehead. Lee Soo Man said "Bye, Katrina. My assistant will go tomorrow to confirm your schedule." Then he left.


Seriously wtf. -__-


Its been 2 hours since they left. "I hate my life" i mumbled as i go through the Channels on the tv. There was nothing to watch, just boring news.

I heard a creak at the door, i stop "who's there?" I glance and it was Sehun with a hoodie and sunglasses with loads of shirt, is this a disguise? Well if it is, its hilarious. He looks so fat.

"Why are you wearing so many shirts and jackets?" I ask trying not to laugh

"Stop laughing, its a disguise okay?!" He said, i chuckled

"Well what if there was a reporter?! Then he'll make story about me visiting my "girlfriend". I dont want that, not with you." He continued


"Pfft. Whatever!... What'cha got there?" I ask comfortably

"Excuse me, but this is only for me." He sat down

I rolled my eyes. so selfish, I wanted some snacks. I pouted. There was silence but i didnt really care because i was so tired. "H-Hey.. Yesterd-" "your girlfriend?" I cut him off, he nodded "well, actually she's not my Girlfriend."

"Eh?" Surprisingly, why do i feel such in a relief?

"Well.... Why you telling me that?" I acted

"Just cause.." He replied

Why is my heart bumping? What the hell! Not happening, hell no. I can feel it racing fast. Why? "Hey," i was cut off in my thoughts by Sehun.

Then i realise what was i doing. I was.... Punching myself, great.

"Do you want some?" He offered "about time" i took it from him not trying to look into his eyes, still asking myself 'why?'

i was eating the chips rapidly and i could tell that Sehun was looking at me. I turned to him "W-Wae?" I ask

"H-Hey Katrina, i like you." He said, wait i don't know what to say! "I-I like y-" "Yah! Kat! Are you okay? Wake up!" What in the hell? Now I'm getting delusions from this guy!

Please don't tell me....

I-Im in love? 😩



[i wont be uploading next week or this week except for this one due to school activities and family stuff, thank you]


Continue! 👇

A/N: such a short chapter!

Thank god, i had time to write this because i've been doing stuff a lot lately that i only could go on my electronics for like an 1 or so. I've been doing excises, school, cleaning etc.

Pretty busy.

Well this chapter is really corny >:( but yeah, theres nothing much to it but to let you guys know that she's 'officially' really in love.

Next chapter is gonna be a lot more interesting, i think.

Ahhaha since i havent wrote it yet, buuut. I will, very soon.

AND OMG THANK YOU FOR 1000 READERS, I CANT EVEN HOLD MY FEELS IN. I thought i'll only get like 50 readers here or something! Aha thank you ^^

Please vote & comment so i know you're reading this. ^^

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