Ignoring Oh Sehun

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I'd like to thank Sehun-is-my-style for always voting ^^

And thank you to all those who are still reading this even though its quiet boring ^^

Chapter 18

Katrina's Point of view

After that party, i went to the park and was there until 12 am. I cried until that time and now I'm here looking at my mirror. I had really, really puffy eyes and my hair was a mess. I didnt even bother to take my mascara off.

It was my first time crying like this again and it didn't feel so good at all.

I was 11 yrs old then, i clearly know what will be coming but my mum pushes me to do it, again. She thought i already forgotten that incident, but i didn't. It was still so clear in my head how people were against me on that day and on that stage.

It was the same stage when i was little. My hands were shaking but i didn't showed it to my mum. My mum is that typically mum that will feel embarrassed when it comes to disappointing stuff about family matters.

Yet she cared,

"Fighting!" She gave me thumbs up, i nodded trying to be joyful as i can be.

I started walking down the stage but my feet were trembling and it felt like wanting to fall down. That time the whole school, well not really the whole school. But they already planned everything, i guess they knew... That i was gonna be like this.

I stopped half way, because i suddenly caught something, it was a egg that was threw on my face. It hit right in the face, they started laughing. "Boooo, go back we don't wanna hear you!"

I started crying-

*ring, ring*

The sound cut through my thoughts, i look back at the mirror and saw tears. I chuckled from my silliness "really? Kat?" I mumbled

I grabbed my phone.


I answered it, "yo!"

"Heey..." My voice sounded like a grown man

"Have you.. Been crying?" He asked,

"No, why would *sneezes*" i lied

"Okay if you say so." He chuckled, yep pretty sure he knew i was lying. "Well, I'm just here to thank you for coming to my party. Lets hang out more together in the future, kay? Anyways i gotta go byee~" he added,

"Bye-" then he hanged up before i bid my goodbye

I heard a knock from the door, it slowly opened i hid my face because obviously its Sehun and i don't want him asking why.. "Katrina? What are you doing at the ground?" He said

"Non of your business." I yelled

"No need to be mad, god." He slammed the door, what a jerk.

"No need to be mad blablabla" i mimic his voice in a girly tone. Lets see how you like it Sehun if I ignore you, hah! Ignoring Oh Sehun, What an idea.

I tied my hair up in a bun and went to the bathroom to wash up. After that i pulled a white dress and put it on, i straightened my hair, wow i didn't it was this long already. It was up to my bum.

I went outside and saw Sehun texting and he was smiling, probably Irene, "pffft Irene tsk-" i suddenly realise what came out of my mouth, i covered it fast and i saw Sehun starring at me

"Whats that?" He looked right in my eyes, I ignored him and walked to the kitchen.

"Could you bring me some Energy drink?" He shouted, ehh? Since when did i ever became a maid?

"Oh, chips too!" He added, really? Nope, nope and nope.

I walked pass him and said "do it yourself." I slammed the door at him, loudly enough to let that Sehun know I'm mad. hmph!

I got a message from our manager,

Manager Choi:

Tomorrow at the bubble cafe

3 pm, both of you be there in time!

Fast forward >>

"Woooaah.." I yawned it was 9:30 am and i just woke up. Ugh. I went to go to shower and did my daily thing. I went outside and i was still sleepy, "yah! Sehuuuuunn~" i heard from the kitchen

What in the-

"Don't touch me Irene!" I heard Sehun's voice, Irene? Well that thing might be here. I went to the kitchen and found Irene being soo~ clingy at Sehun i saw Sehun frowning.

"Good Morning" i said as casually as i can hiding my jealousness.

"Mor-" "why is she here!" Irene interrupt Sehun "Why are you here anyway?" He changed the topic "Well! I want to" she said in a annoying girl tone.

I grabbed a glass of milk and was looking for snack, actually i just wanna hear their conversation. I mean don't get me wrong i wanted some snacks as well.

"I need to go somewhere! Just go" i saw him push Irene's arm, i nearly laughed but i held it in. Irene gave me a death glare "fine!" She then walked off.


:2:50 pm:

"Ya, are you ready yet?" He shouted, like hell I'm gonna listen to you!

I went straight to outside towards his car and ignored Sehun while walking pass. "Whats wrong with you?" He gave me a weird look, i then ignored that question too.

Well whats wrong with him! Playboy, thinking he can just get any girl he likes. Not happening, uh huh.

But Katrina he already caught your heart..

Yes! And thats what i hate about him. Why does it matter any away? Not like he's gonna...like me back. I let out a deep sigh and i could tell Sehun was looking at me from the mirror.

"What?" I said as coldly as i can, he shook his head in response.

Where now at the cafe and the manager keeps on talking non-stop! "Are you listening, Kat?" He said and I nodded. He was just talking about stuff that happened and were gonna take a 2 weeks break blablabla.

Boring stuff, this is why i don't want to be an idol from the first place!

"You can now go, we wont be contacting you in 2 weeks" he finished it off "whateverr" i said

After that i decided that i just wanna be alone and go for a walk "I'm walking home" i told Sehun, no matter what i just cant look at his eyes.

I walked off but he held my wrist, my heart's racing.




"Yah, why are you ignoring me?" He asked


A/N: cliffhanger, i know.

Anyway hope you like this chapter i made it especially longer.

And omg i freaking pass all my test and exams so i might able to update this week or saturday since i don't have to study!

Vote.comment <3

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