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"Bey Say Something" My Father Said.

"I Don't Know What To Say Really"

"Hell-...What The Hell Is She Doing Here?!" I Looked Up To See Solange Looking At Dad.

He Let Out A Sigh "Sit Down Solange"

She Rolled Her Eyes Sitting Down Next To Me "You Could've Told Me She'd Be Here"

"Why You Pressedt?" She Asked Turning To Me.

"I'm Not About To Fight With You, It's Just Annoying And At This Point Your Acting Like A Damn Child" I Snapped.

"Girls Please"

"I Needed To Talk To The Both Of You. I Know This Is Something Different For All Of Us. I Just Want To Apologize For The Pain That I've Caused The Both Of You Girls And With Everything Going On With Your Mom This Isn't The Time To Stray Away, It's The Time To Come Together. If Not For Me, Then For Your Mother" He Said.

"I Never Had A Problem It's Solange. She's Always Coming At Me Like I Stole Her Man" I Said.

"Here You Go, I Come At You Because You Always Act Like Your Shit Don't Stink. You Walk Around With A Stick Up Your Ass Ever Since You Left Us. Bey You Used To Be The Sweetest Person I Ever Knew...But Now You Turned So Damn Bitter It Makes My Skin Crawl Because You Truly Act Like You're Better Than Us" She Said.

I Looked Down Shocked By Her Words More So Because She Was Actually Talking And Not Yelling. "Beyoncé?" My Dad Said Making Me Look Up.

"I-...I Don't Know What To Say"

"See What I'm Talking About? Your Ass Need To Say Sorry" Solange Said.

"Sorry For How I Act? It's Not My Fault I Make Enough To Live A Good Life. You Choose To Be A Broke Ass Photographer-"

"What You Not Going To Do Is Come For My Income, Daddy You Better Get Her Cause I'm Really About To Slap This Trick Ass Hoe" Solange Said.

"Watch Y'all Mouth! Beyoncé-"

"Call Me Out Of My Name Again I Promise You You'll Regret It" I Said Turning To Face Her.

She Looked At Me "Beyoncé, You And I Both Know Yo Ass Can't Fight"

"You Just Think You Can Talk Shit About Everybody Knowing Damn Well You're The Last One That Need To Be Doing It, You Think Your Life And Family Is Important? Tuh" I Said.

She Got In My Face "Because My Life Is Perfect Unlike Yours"

"Solange Your Kids Don't Even Have The Same Daddy, Alan About Dumb As A Bum, He Knows Damn Well Jalen Is Not His. Oh And Does He Know When You Leave For Work You're Actually Going To Daniels? Fake Ass Hoe-" I Was Immediately Pushed Down To The Floor As Solange Got On Top Of Me Punching Me In My Face But I Grabbed Her Wrists Kneeing Her Right In Her Stomach.

"What's- What's Going On? Y'all Are Going To Jail...PERRRIODDD" I Heard Someone Scream.

"Oh Bitch Ima-" She Immediately Snatched Her Wrists Out Of My Grasp And Started Choking Me. Within Seconds She Was Being Picked Up By My Dad And I Rose Up Coughing, Holding My Throat.

"What The Hell Is Y'alls Problem?! Y'all Disgust Me.. Get It Together!" my Dad Yelled.

Solange Looked At Me Still In My Dad Arms "Bitch Kicked Me In My Damn Stomach!"

I Got Up Grabbing My Purse " I Should've Kicked You In Your Damn Pussy Maybe That'll Keep Your Legs Closed" I Said Stomping Off To My Rental Car Speeding Home. My Face And My Damn Neck Was Hurting, Within 25 Minutes I Pulled Up Quickly And Didn't See Omari Rental Car Nor My Moms. I Got Out Quickly Going Inside To See Jay On The Couch Watching Television, He Turned Around Immediately Getting Up.

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