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"I'm Tired Of Everybody Hating Me" I Said Softly.

"It's Just Some Damage That Was Done, Everything Will Be Fixed Up Just Give It Time" Jay Said. I Was Laying On Top Of Him While He Rubbed My Ass, Another Way That Calms Me Down. He Snuck Into My Room About 15 Minutes Ago Due To Having All These Kids Sleeping Over For The Rest Of The Weekend.

I Looked Up "Do You Hate Me?"

"What? No Bey"

"I Don't Deserve You" I Said Softly.

"I'm Here With You Now And I Don't Want To Let You Get Away Again" He Said Making Me Smile. I Leaned Up Looking Into His Eyes Before Leaning Down To Kiss His Lips. He Added Tongue And We Began To Roll, Having Him On Top While My Hands Roamed All Over His Head. I Heard The Door Open Causing Me To Release From The Kiss To See Jazmine With Her Eyes Wide Open.

"I'm Su- Sorry" She Said Quickly Closing The Door.

"Wait Jazmine" Jay Said Getting Up, I Followed Behind Him As Jazmine Raced Down The Stairs.

"Jazmine" Jay Called, She Turned Around Looking Afraid.

"I'm Sorry You Had To See That" I Said.

She Looked Down "Can We Not Talk About It Please? It Makes It Even More Awkward"

"I-" I Touched Jay's Shoulder Indicating To Let It Go. He Let Out A Sigh Nodding His Head.

She Went Into The Bathroom And Jay Turned Around Facing Me "If Kelly And Solange Hate Me Now.. Oh Boy I Can't Even Imagine How It's Going To Be After This" I Said.

"Jazmine's A Good Girl, She'll Probably Just Let Grown Folks Business Be Grown Folk Business" Jay Said.

"If I Saw My Uncle About To Practically Have Sex With A Woman I Barely Know I Would Tell My Auntie And Mama" I Said.

"Fuck" He Whispered.

"This Has To Stop...Just Go Back Home Jay" I Said Softly.

"Noelle Needs Time To Cool Off"

I Shook My Head "Just Apologize And Take Her Back Jay, It's For The Best"

Jay Grabbed My Hand Pulling Me Into The Garage And Closing The Door. "Bey...Being With You Again Has My Emotions Through The Roof"

"Me Too, But It's Getting To Be Too Much We Got To Stop This. You Have A Wife That Adores You And Has Been Hurting For So Long And I Need To Focus On Ava And My Mama" I Said Touching His Cheek.

"It's Not That Easy, We've Reopened Memories...The Love We Have For Each Other. I Don't Want To Let That Go"

"But You Have To, We Should've Never Messed Around In The First Place" I Said.

Jay Bent His Head "I Have A Husband And A Child. I- ...I Have To Be With My Family"

"So You're Going Back To That Nigga?!" Jay Said.

"I Have No Choice Jay...He's The Father Of My Child"

He Shook His Head "It's Just An Image For You"

Jay Turned To Walk Away But I Grabbed His Wrist "You Have To Understand" I Said. He Snatched It Away From Me, Leaving Me In The Garage. I Soon Heard The Kids And Knew That The Rest Of Them Were Awake By Now.
Solange And Kelly Came In Stomping And I Clearly Knew What Was Going To Go Down. "How Dare You?!" Solange Snapped. My Mom Was At Work And Ava Was At School So If Solange And Kelly Were Going To Jump Me There Would Be No One To Break It Up.

"It's Over Okay And I'm Pretty Sure Noelle Took Him Back" I Said.

"I Have Every Right To Tell Mama Why She Should Kick Your Ass Out Of Her House" Solange Said. I Got Up From The Couch Causing Solange To Back Up.

"Stop Coming At Me Like You're Perfect And Don't Have Flaws, Yes I Left Everyone Here High And Dry... I Don't Know How Many Times I Have To Say That! I'm Tired Of Fighting With Everyone, I Was A Teenager That Thought That Was The Best Thing For Me. I'm Sorry Solange, For Everything...I Just Want To Have A Sister And Not An Enemy...Kelly, I Didn't Mean Not To Leave A Call, Text, You Were My Best Friend And I Know You Felt Like Our Friendship Was A Lie But I'm Back...And I'm Here To Stay. I Would Take It Back But I Would Never Want To Because I Would've Never Had Ava...I'm Sorry Okay?" I Said, Getting Tired Of The Bickering And Petty Mean Girl Attitude.

"You Really Did Hurt Me Bey...I Had No Idea Where You Was. I Had To Hear How You Was Doing From Mama Tina And Solange" Kelly Said.

"I Know...I'm Sorry"

"I Missed You Bey" Kelly Said, I Can See The Tears Beginning To Fill. I Smiled Weakly, Walking Up To Her To Give Her A Hug "I Missed You Too" I Said. We Released From The Hug Looking At Solange.

"What" She Spat.

"Do You Forgive Bey Or Not?" Kelly Asked.

"You Still Don't Get It" Solange Said Looking Into My Eyes. "I Gotta Go...Kelly You Coming?" She Asked.

"Bey You Can Take Me Home?" Kelly Asked.

"Yeah I Gotcha" I Smiled Looking At Solange But She Rolled Her Eyes Leaving The House.

"We Have So Much To Catch Up On, Like You Have A Little Girl And You Work For Vogue! Like Girl" Kelly Said Making Me Laugh. We Sat Down Catching Up On Life Between The Both Of Us. Talking To Kelly Felt Like We Haven't Stopped Talking. It Was Like We Were Back In High School All Over Again. After Talking Up A Storm, I Dropped Her Off Meeting Her Boyfriend Tim That She Has Been Dating For About Three Years Now. When I Made It Back To My Mom's House I Decided To Call Omari.

"Hello" He Said.

"Hey" I Smiled Weakly.


I Let Out A Sigh "Can We Just Work Things Out?"

"Beyoncé Come On"

"I'm Sorry For Everything...I Want This To Work Between Us. Ava Misses You And So Do I" I Said.

"I Cant Move Down Ther-"

"As A Husband You're Supposed To Be Down For Me Through Thick And Thin...I Need To Be Around My Family Omari" I Said Softly.

"Okay Baby...I'm Sorry I Was Being Selfish. How Is My Princess?"

I Smiled "Doing Great, She Already Has A Little Close Friend It's So Cute. She Really Loves Being Here"

"That's Good...So I Guess I Have To Look For Some Jobs And Houses Down There Huh?"

I Chuckled "I've Already Been Looking, I Found Two That I Absolutely Adore"

"Whatever You Want, I'm Game" He Said. I Smiled "Thank You"

"Well Let Me Get Back To This Work And I'll Call You And Ava Later?" He Asked.

"Yes You Will" I Smiled.

"Alright Bye"

"Buh Bye" I Said Hanging Up.
Yikes Yikes 😬😂

•What You Think About Jazmine Seeing Them Together?

•What Do You Think Of Bey Ending Things?

•What Do You Think About Bey Going Back To Omari?

Peace & Blessings 🤙🏽

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