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"Mommy Can I Go On The Bounce House?" Ava Asked As We Walked Into The Huge Backyard. It Was One Of Angie's Daughters' Birthday. Angie Had Three Kids And Honestly I Was Happy For Her Because She Got Married To A Multimillionaire, She And Her Kids Were Set For Life. Angie And I Aren't As Close As We Used To Be. Her, Kelly, Jay And Ty Ty And I Always Kicked It Backed Then, When You Saw One You Saw All Of Us. And At My Dad's Party I Barley Got To Say Two Words To Her.

"Of Course Baby Go Ahead" I Said Smiling As She Ran To The Humongous House.

"Jay!" I Heard. I Looked To The Right To See Angie Walking Towards Us With Her Arms Stretched Out. She Embraced Him Into A Hug "Ah It's Been Too Long Boy" She Said Releasing From His Embrace.

Jay Chuckled "Well I Haven't Been Around The Crib In A Minute So"

"Oop What Happened?" She Asked.

"False Accusations"

She Turned To Me "Hey Beyoncé...It's Been Too Long Hoe"

We Both Busted Out Laughing "Hey Cus"

She Pulled Me In For A Hug "You Have To Meet My Kids...Jazmine...Deja...Cameron" Angie Yelled. They Looked Up From What They Were Doing And Walked Over To Us.

"This Is My Cousin Beyoncé, We Were So Close Growing Up" Angie Said.

"Hey Uncle Jay" They All Said Giving Him Hugs Making Me Feel Some Type Of Way.

"Hey Little Youngins" He Chuckled.

"We Missed You" Jazmine Her Oldest Said.

"I Know, I've Been M.I.A But I'll Come Around To Take Y'all Out Or Something. Deja I'll Bring Your Gift Then" Jay Said.

"It's Okay Uncle Jay, It's Not All About Gifts" She Smiled.

I Was Stunned. What Child Says That? Angie Cleared Her Throat And They Looked At Me "Hello Ms.Beyoncé" They Said In Unison.

"Uh Hey, Y'all Can Just Call Me Bey" I Said Chuckling Awkwardly. They All Shook My Hand Making Things Even More Awkward.

"No, You'll Call Her Auntie" Angie Corrected.

"Yes Ma'am" They Said.

"Okay, Y'all Go Ahead And Play" Angie Said. They All Ran Off "So How Old Are They Again?" I Asked

"Jazmine Is Sixteen, Deja Just Turned Eight And Cameron Is Six" Angie Said.

"They're So Well-Mannered" I Said.

"Girl, Micheal And I Don't Play That With Them" Angie Laughed.

"Where's Kelly?" Jay Asked.

"Oh Ty Ty And Her At The Hookah Area" Angie Said.

"You Said Hookah Area?" I Asked Making Sure I Heard Right.

"Yes Girl So All The Adults Can Kick Back While They Children Run Around...Make Yourselves At Home....It's So Good To See You Bey" Angie Said.

I Smiled Weakly "Likewise"

"Isn't Your Mom Here?" He Asked.

"Yeah You Know She Made All The Pastries, And I Know Solange Is Around Here Somewhere" I Said Softly.  My Mom Had Left A Lot Earlier Than Us To Help Set Up And Stuff.

"You Wanna Go Over To Kelly And Them?" He Asked.

Honestly I Was Afraid, Just Like I Cut Jay Off I Did The Same To Kelly. She Was My Best Friend, My Only Friend Growing Up.

"Come On I Won't Let Her Come At Ya Throat" He Smirked Making Me Blush. We Walked Over To The Hookah Area And Kelly Looked Like She Seen A Ghost. I Mean It Was The First Time We Got To See Each Other Since Graduation.

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