Chapter 5

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AN: Hi!

*Ashton's POV*

I haven't come out of my room for a couple days now.

I haven't eaten.

I haven't slept.

But one thing I have done cut

I have done it every night ever since I have told Michael and Calum about my sexuality and my love for Luke.

The boys have been knocking on my door for these past few days. They have been trying to get me to come out and eat and hang out with them but none of that has worked.

Today I have to come out of my cave. We have to go to rehearsal and then perform. I'm in no mood to perform. I wish I could just hide away forever in my dark room and slip away into the darkness.

"Ashton get ready we leave for rehearsal in an hour and you have to come out and eat," I heard Calum's gentle voice say. Ever since I've locked myself in my room all the boys have started talking to me in gentle tones afraid that they will break me in my fragile state.

Little did they know I'm already broken.

I sighed and decided to get out of my bed. I grabbed boxer, skinny jeans and a plain dark red t-shirt. I also grabbed a bunch of my bracelets since I'm wearing a t-shirt I needed something to cover up my scars.

I went to my bathroom and locked to door. I looked at myself in the mirror and winced. I had dark bags under my eyes, really pale, hair is all messed up, and my eyes red from crying. All in all I look like shit.

I quickly undressed and turned on the shower and stepped in. I washed my hair then my body. I stood under the water for a while and decided to get out remembering we had rehearsal soon. I dried myself and then put on my clothes and bracelets.

I exited the bathroom and took a deep breath getting ready to exit my room after a couple days of being in my room.

I slowly unlocked my room and peeked my head out and looked around. I sighed in relief when noticing the boys aren't waiting for me. I left my room and walked down the hall and if noticed the boys in the kitchen.

"I'm ready," I said quietly. My voice hoarse after a few days of crying and not speaking.

All three of them stopped what they were doing and looked at me smiling big. The engulfed me in a big hug but very gently afraid they would break me.

"We missed you," I heard Luke say.

"I missed you guys too," I agreed. Even though it was a couple days and I didn't come out of my room I really did miss them.

"Don't do that again you scared us!" I heard Calum explain.

"This was a nice little reunion but we have to head to rehearsals," Michael said. We all agreed and we exited the house and got in the car. That's when I noticed one thing.

The boys forgot to give me food like they said they would. And I'm completely fine with that.




Sorry I didn't update I've been busy with school.

And work.

And volleyball.

I won't be able to update as often I want.

Sorry if this chapter was shitty. I tried.

The goal for this chapter to 3 comments 3 votes!

I'm also happy with the attention this story is getting! It may not be a lot but it is for me!

This chapter is unedited. Hehe. I'm such a lazy fuck.

Anywhore I thought I would update and I did!

Love y'all

Stay Fab

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