Chapter 25

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AN: Sorry for the long wait... again

The authors note at the end will explain everything

Also the video on top is where I got the inspiration for this chapter :-)

There also may or may not be smut near the end ;-)

*Ashton's POV*

It's been a couple of months since that date with Luke and I.

Let's just say those couple of months have been the best months of my life. I have never been so happy and I really don't want that to change.

Malum also recently came out. We had lost some fans, but to an extent. We received more fans than we lost them and that makes me happy. It gives me hope that maybe Luke and I will be able to come out and not have to worry.

Today the boys and I are going to BBC Radio 1 and we are playing a game with Nick Grimshaw. The boys and I don't know what game we are, but nonetheless we are excited. 

"Come on Ashton we're leaving!" I heard Calum call me from downstairs.

"Coming!" I called back. I sighed and looked back in the mirror and smiled. It was a real smile. I walked downstairs and quickly put on my shoes noticing that the others were already in the car. 

"It's about time," Michael grumbled when I got in the car.

"Don's listen to him babe," Luke whispered in my ear as I snuggled into his side. He then kissed my head as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


"Wake up babe," I heard a soft whisper.

"I don't wanna," I pouted turning on my side.

"We're here so you have to get up," I finally opened up my eyes and noticed that it was Luke waking me up.

"Okay," I sighed as I finally got out of the car.

We stepped out of the car and I noticed Michael and Calum were ahead of us holding hands to get into the building. Luke and I started walking behind them and I desperately wanted to grab his hand, but I couldn't.

We finally got into the building and were greeted by Nick. After our greeting we got ready to play whatever Nick had in store for us.

"We are going to be playing Spin The Bottle," Nick smirked.


So far Michael, Calum, and I went. Michael got his question wrong so he kissed Nick's head. I got my question right and didn't have to kiss anyone. Calum also got his question wrong and had to kiss me. I didn't allow him to because he had morning breath. It was now Luke's turn.

"DJ or fan?" Nick asked Luke.

"Can I have a fan question but not a ridiculous fan question?" Luke asked making sweater paws while scratching his face.

It was adorable. 

Luke got the question about how many X Factor singles have been sold worldwide.

He got the the question wrong.

Luke bent down to spin the bottle. The bottle stopped spinning and I noticed it landed on me. Luke looked at me and looked down at my lips as to say if we want to come out. I nodded as a way to answer his question.

I guess there is no way to turn back now. 

Luke leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed back. After a couple of seconds  I pulled back and smiled at him. I turned to look at the other three, Michael and Calum were smiling from ear to ear while Nick's eyes looked they were about pop out of his sockets. 

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