Chapter 17

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Self Promotion: Please check out my new fanfic Hidden?

You don't have to but I would like it if you did xoxo

*Ashton's POV*

Amber took me to her apartment with Lindsey. Amber's apartment is a nice size: living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Amber laid me on the couch carefully and went to get me some water with Lindsey close behind her.

"Here Ashton, drink this," I heard Amber say as she approached me. I carefully say up and took small sips of the cool drink.

Amber and Lindsey both looked at me. Lindsey is very pretty. She looks like a female version of Calum. Long black hair that cascades to her mid back and warm chocolate brown eyes.

"How are you feeling Ashton?" Lindsey asked.

"It hurts everywhere."

"You're going to have to take off your shirt so we can see how badly bruised you are." I froze. I can't take off my shirt. I'm fat and they'll judge me with how huge I am.

I shook my head.

"Ashton we won't judge you," Lindsey reassured me. I looked at Amber and she nodded going along with Lindsey's words.

I took off my my shirt and they both gasped. I knew it. I knew they would judge me.

"You're so skinny Ashton," Amber said with tears in her eyes.

"No I'm not," I shook my head looking at the ground," I'm fat."

"We can see you're ribs Ashton. You're stomach is also sunken in. This isn't healthy," Lindsey said. I've barely even met Lindsey and she acts like she cares.

"Why Ashton?" Amber asks.

"I want to be perfect," I said.

"Perfect? Perfect for who?" Amber asked clearly confused.

"Perfect for everyone. The fans. The boys. Luke."

"Luke?" Lindsey asked.

"I love Luke. I just want to be perfect for him so he can love me back even though he supposedly likes me."

"He does love you. Just the way you are," Amber said grabbing my hand and squeezed it.

"Can we drop it?" I ask. Amber nods and I lay down.

Amber and Lindsey both got up probably to get ice packs for my bruises. While they were getting the ice packs I slowly drifted to sleep.



I finally updated a chapter. I'm sorry for the self promo at the beginning I'm just really excited for that book and want people to read it. Sorry if that sounds greedy.

GOAL: 3+ votes and comments

Love Y'all

Stay Fab!!!!

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