Chapter 15

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AN: Long time no see

Did you miss me?

Because I sure did miss you guys


*Ashton's POV*

It's been a few days since mine and Luke's date. We've been fine sneaking kisses here and there. But it hasn't been all sunshine and happiness. You see Calum and Michael have been ignoring each other and have been really awkward and Luke and I can't seem to figure out what's wrong with them. And after me purging after our date I haven't been able to stop. It's like a drug- addicting and satisfactory like cutting.

Calum has also been very clingy to me lately. Same goes as Michael and Luke. Luke and I barely get any time together since they won't leave is alone. If you ask me it's pretty fucking annoying.

"Hey Ashton can we do something else I'm really bored," I heard Calum say pausing our game of Mario Kart.

I shrugged,"Sure what do you want to do?"

"Do you wanna walk around and get a bite to eat?" Food. That's just what I don't need is to get fat.

"Sure," I say not wanting Calum to get suspicious about my lack of eating lately.

"Okay. How about we get ready and head back down here in about 15 minutes, sound good?"

"Okay. Sounds good." I stand up going to my room as does Calum. When I get to my room I make sure to lock my door not wanting the others to see me disgustingly fat body.

I sigh picking up a pair of black skinny jeans and a Foo Fighters shirt. After I change I put on my bracelets that go up to about an inch or two below my elbows. I go into my bathroom making sure I don't look at my ugly reflection. I brushed my teeth and decided on leaving my glasses on.

I walked out of the bathroom and to the front door seeing that Calum is already there wearing black skinny jeans, black vans, and a Cobain shirt.

"Ready to go?" Calum asks.

"Yup," I say as we walk out of the house together.


It's been about two hours since Calum and I have left the house. We went to the beach and just relaxed. It was the same beach where Luke and I had our first date and first kiss. After the beach we went to the mall and went to Hot Topic. We got a couple of shirts. Along the way we also got stopped by a few fans. I didn't mind though I love our fans even if they don't love me.

"Where do you want to eat?" Calum asked. I shrugged. I don't want food.

"How about Subway?" Calum asked.

"Sure," I shrugged not caring where we went to eat. We made our way to Subway getting our food. After we got our food we went and found a table kind of hidden because we wanted a little privacy. As we sat down Calum asked, "How have you been Ashton?"

"Fine." Lie.

"No you're not Ashton. I've known you for a while now and you definitely are not." Damn Calum is not as dumb as I thought.

"I'm feeling a little happier I guess you could say. Ever since my date with Luke I've been a little happier but not the Ashton I used to be." Calum smiled at me sadly with pity in his eyes. I hate pity.

"Well that's better than not being happy." I nodded and we dropped the conversation. Calum and I sat there talking and he managed to get a laugh out of me.

We were talking and having a good time until I saw him.



AN: I updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while my phone wouldn't download apps and I write this story on the Wattpad app. What had happened is my Wattpad started glitching and I had to delete and redownload it but my phone decided to not let me download apps.

And my laptop also broke. I mouse wouldn't work. But don't worry I got everything fixed so I should be able to update more.

Another reason why I haven't updated is because I haven't been very happy. My friend ignored me this week and it put a damper on my mood.

I've also have a lot of homework!!!!!

Anywhore GOAL: 4+ votes and comments please

Love Y'all

Stay Fab!!!!

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