Chapter 22

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AN: Hi :-)

*Ashton's POV*

I finally was able to come home. I didn't want to though. It would be awkward. When I got home I didn't want to see any of the other boys.

When I was in the hospital I kicked the boys out.


"Ashton we just want you to stop harming yourself," Calum said pleadingly.

"Yeah, sure whatever," I scoffed.

"Believe us Ashton," Luke sighed.

"Like I would believe the person who thought it was a good idea tp fake date me to stop me from hurting myself."

"I thought it was a good idea at the time," Luke mumbled.

"Look where that got us," I countered back.

Everything was silent for awhile so I decided to look around the room. While I was looking I saw Michael and Calum's hands entwined.

"You guys dating?" I questioned them.

All I got was a nod in response. I tried to smile at them, but it hurt too much knowing that they were happy and I wasn't.

"Can you guys leave?" I asked them.

"Why?" Luke asked with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I want time to be alone."

"We'll visit you later Ash," Michael said.

They never did.

*End Flashback*

It hurts not having them come back and visit. I mean sure it pissed me off what they did to me, but they could've come and visit me.

I was currently sitting in my hospital room dressed in a black sweatshirt, skinny jeans, and Vans. I was also wearing my glasses.

"Ashton, sweety your friends are here to take you home," My nurse Ally said entering the room.

Ally was a kind old lady. She had stringy gray hair back in a bun wearing a typical nurse outfit. She also had warm brown eyes that invited you in. She had become my new best friend really. she also wore bright red lipstick that reminded me of Taylor Swift.

"Okay," Was all I said as I stood up from the hospital bed and exiting the room.

I immediatly saw Luke and the boys. I walk straight to the counter to pick up my subscription so I could go get my pills that the doctor wants me to take. I probably won't.

"Ready to go?" Luke asked me. 

All I did was nod and walk straight past the boys heading to the parking lot. When I got out I had to wait for the others because I didn't know where they parked.

"This way Ashton," Luke said guiding me to the car.

I flinched with his touch and decided to  walk behind the other boys. When we got to the car I got in the very back and plugged in my ear buds while drifting into my own little word while listening to My Chemical Romance's The World Is Ugly.


When we got home I immedialty ran into the house and into my room. I walked into my bedroom and went to g to the bathroom to take a shower when I noticed that the bathroom door was locked.

"We locked it for your own safety," I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and noticed it was Luke.


"We don't want another incident where we find you pretty much dead."

"So you thought it was best to lock my bathroom?"


"How am I supposed to take a shower?"

"In my bathroom," He shrugged.

"Fine," Was all I said as I went to take a shower in his bathroom.


When I got out and got dressed I saw Luke sitting on his phone. When he noticed I got out he patted the spot next to him. I went and sat next to him and we cuddled.

I put my head in the crook of his neck and my arms around his waist, taking in his warmth. He put his arm around my shoulder and we just stayed like that.

"Why didn't you come and visit me?" I asked.

"I was scared."

"Scared of what?"

"When you told us to leave I started thinking. I started thinking about how I'm feeling things I shouldn't for my best friend. I was scared of these feelings and used all of that time to sort them out. That's when I started to like you Ashton. And not in a brotherly way. When we found you lying motionless in your own blood that tore me inside Ashton."

I looked up and noticed he started crying. We just sat in silence for awile when he broke it.

"I'm sorry you had to see me cry. It wasn't very manly of me."

"It's okay for you to cry."


"It shows that you have been strong for too long. You just need to let it out." 

Then he did something unexpected.

He kissed me.




I hoped you liked it

I am so excited for LIVESOS

And I can't believe they are performing on the AMAs. I'm so proud of them

Question: What are your names?

My name is Evan. And yes I'm a girl

GOAL: 5+ votes and comments

Love Y'all

Stay Fab!!!!

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