Chapter 14

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AN: Hiya!

Long time no see

Also I'm gonna stop putting unedited since I never edit my chapters anyway

*Ashton's POV* [This is the date]

"Where are we going Lukey?" I ask.

"A surprise," he replied. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I rested my head against the window and watched the scenery go by.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"How about now?"

"Yup." I look out the window and see that we are at the beach.

"I also packed a picnic," Luke said.

"How? You literally dragged me out of the house when I said yes to this date," I stated.

Luke looked down in embarrassment," While Calum was talking to you I had Michael help me pack this."

I giggled because of Luke's adorableness. Luke got out of the car and opened up my car door and grabbed my hand linking our fingers together. He grabbed the picnic basket out of the back and we started walking.

We were walking down to the sand swinging our hands back and forth between us giggling. We made it to the sand and he set down a blanket and put down the basket with the blanket. He sat down grabbing my waist and dragged me down onto his lap.

"I packed us each a sandwich and some chips."

No I can't eat. I'll get fat. And getting fat means that no one will love me. I just found out that Luke likes me and if I get fat he'll hate me.

"Sounds delicious," I said before even thinking.

"Good," he replied back smiling like an idiot. An adorable idiot.

He got the food and passed me a ham and cheese sandwich with a bag of chips and a coke. We started eating and I forgot all of my problems.


After we finished eating my stomach was satisfied but my conscious was not. I looked up and saw the sun was setting. It was a beautiful sight.

Luke put his arm around my waist as I rested me head in the crook of his neck. We fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Luke grabbed me hand and started playing with my fingers. I suddenly got an idea.

"Catch me if you can," I said standing up running away from Luke. I could hear him laughing from behind me but I knew he was chasing me.

We were running around having fun with him chasing me. I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist and we both fell into the sand. Luke was on top me in a push-up position. He looked beautiful. The sun has set and the moon was out with the stars shining bright. His face looked beautiful with the moon shining on his face. His eyes were shining a magnificent blue. Bluer than the ocean itself.

"Gotcha," he whispered before gently placing his lips on mine. My eyes slipped shut as I kissed back. Our lips fit together perfectly like our hands fit with each other and my head fits perfectly in the crook of his neck. Our lips were moving together in a slow, passionate rhythm.

Luke then pulled back from the kiss and smiled at me.


When we got home you could feel the awkward tension in the air. I wonder what happened while we were gone.

"I'm gonna head to bed Ashton and also thanks for the wonderful date," Luke said as he gently placed his soft lips against my cheek. I smiled at him and went to my room.

I shut and locked my door and went into my bathroom. I lifted up to the toilet seat and went onto my knees. I put my fingers into my mouth and threw up my dinner. And the thing was:

I liked the feeling of my food being emptied out.



Chapter 14!

Sorry if it was shit I just haven't been the best.

The reason why I haven't updated is because I've been feeling extra depressed.

I tried dropping hints to my best friend about how much I'm hurting and that I need her support but she can't take a fucking hint and it makes me feel like she doesn't even care about me.

Anywhore, has anyone seen the new Sam Pepper video?

It made me feel violated I mean you don't go up to random women on the street and pinch there asses. You could also tell that they were uncomfortable.

I never liked Sam Pepper anyways.

Also you can leave your opinions in the comments but don't bash mine.

GOAL:4+ votes and comments

Love Y'all

Stay Fab!!!!

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