Chapter 23

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AN: I was really bored today and listened to The Only Reason

The tears were real

That picture makes me want to light myself on fire

Also thanks for 21k reads :-)

*Ashton's POV*

Why was Luke kissing me?

He should hate me. Sure he confessed saying that he has developed some feelings for me doesn't mean he can flat out kiss me.

I kissed back anyways.

The kiss lasted a little long until I broke away from it.

"Why'd you stop?" Luke whined.

"I'm just confused," I confessed.


"You just all of the sudden started growing a crush on me. It doesn't make sense to me at all."

"Did you read the date in my journal?" He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.


He then grabbed his journal from under his pillow and showed it to me,"Just look at the date."

I opened the journal and looked at it.


[To all the people reading Hidden I bet you remember this date and why it's important. Not that you guys care or anything]


"And what's the date now?" Luke smirked.

"June 18th," I mumbled in embarrassment.

"So it's been a month. In that month I've developed feelings for you," Luke explained.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why what?" Luke asked in confusion.

"Why me? I'm just the drummer. I'm not as important as you three are. I'm not as good looking. I'm not as talented. I'm not good enough. I have the scars to prove it."

"Yes you are Ashton. The reason why I did all of this is I wanted to see you happy. You never smiled anymore and I love your smile. Everything about you is perfect. Just because you have scars doesn't mean you are any less perfect. They show that you were having a battle. A battle with yourself. They show that you are strong and can make it through this battle," He exclaimed as he took my face into his hands smiling softly.

"What's your favorite thing about me?" I ask.

"Your lips," He replies without hesitation.

"Why?" I ask this question too much.

"They fit perfectly with mine. They make me feel alive. They remind me that you are alive. I also the the sound coming out of those lips. Your lips let your beautiful singing voice come out of them. Also they have your adorable giggle that could cure cancer. But thing I love most about your lips is that they carry your beautiful smile. The smile that lights up my world," He says while wiping my tears. I really have no clue why I'm crying. Oh well.

I then kiss him for the second time that night. This one had more emotion put into it and I loved every second of it.

"Awwwwww. That's adorable. Calum why can't we be like this?" Michael whined as he opened the door with Calum by his side.

All I could think at that moment was fucking cockblock.

"Michael you just ruined a cute moment," Calum scolded Michael.

"Can you guys leave?" Luke asked pouting. That pout is adorable.

"Actually can they stay?" I ask.

"Why?" Luke asked.

"It's been awhile since we've all hung out as a band," I exclaimed.

The others looked excited and jumped into Luke's king sized bed.

"Can we watch a movie?" Michael asked.

"Sure," Luke said.

"I vote Pitch Perfect!" Calum shouted.

We all nodded and that's how we spent the rest of the night.

All cuddled together like the old times.




Band cuddles make me all happy and fuzzy.

I want to see Pitch Perfect 2 so bad

But the picture on the top tho

I want to kill my parents because Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce The Veil are having a concert like 15 minutes away from my house and my parents said I couldn't go because it's on a school night and they don't know what the crowds are like -_-

And all my friends are bragging about they can go and I'm just like STAHP

This fanfic is soon coming to an end

QUESTION: Happy or sad ending?

GOAL: 5+ votes and comments

Love Y'all

Stay Fab!!!!

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