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AN: This has been planned since the beginning so yeah

*Third Person POV*

It's been two years since the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer have come out. People loved the fact that their OTP's were real. It actually made the boys more successful with the LGBT community.

Michael and Calum. They had a happy and healthy relationship. They got into small fights about the stupidest things, but they always made up in the end, usually with a kiss. Those two aren't planning on getting married soon, but they do see it in their future.

Luke and Ashton. They had a good relationship. Luke treated Ashton like a princess. If there were puddles on the side walk Luke insisted that he carried Ashton over it. They would have tickle fights which usually ended in them making out. A year into their relationship they got engaged. Luke was the one that proposed by leaving little clue around the house in which Ashton had to follow. Ashton eventually got to the beach and saw Luke waiting there. Luke even wrote a little love song to go with it. Ashton of course said yes.

Everything happy has to come to an end though.

Ashton Irwin had taken his life.

It was a couple months after they had gotten engaged. The hate started coming in and he snapped. Do you know what the worst part was?

Luke was the one that had found Ashton lifeless on the bathroom floor.


"We're home!" Luke called out, but was met with silence.

Luke, Michael, and Calum had all gone out to the store since it was Luke's birthday and they needed food. Ashton had stayed home since he told them he wasn't feeling well. What the boys didn't know was that was a lie.

"Ashton?" Luke called out again. "How about you guys go put the groceries away while I go check on Ashton."

Luke started up the stairs into his and Ashton's room. He opened the bedroom door and noticed Ashton wasn't in bed. Luke looked toward the bathroom door and noticed a light coming out from under it. Luke walked toward the door and opened it. What he saw would scar him for life.

Ashton was lying there on the cold tile floor looking pale and lifeless.

"No," Luke muttered. "No, no, no, NO!"

Luke dropped to his knees and crawled over to Ashton sobbing. The boys downstairs heard what was going on and quickly ran upstairs and the sight they saw was heartbreaking.

Luke had scooped up Ashton's body in his arms and was cradling him while sobbing. Luke was running his hands in Ashton's hair while looking at his angelic face.

Calum quickly called an ambulance, but all three knew it was too late.

*End flashback*

It took awhile for Luke to get over it. He was in denial most of the time, but had come to accept it. Luke also thought about taking his own life so he could be reunited with Ashton, but he chickened out.

5 Seconds of Summer were still together because that is what Ashton would've wanted. Ashton even put it in his letter.

They also dropped the name 5 Seconds of Summer. Now when the win awards they go by Luke, Michael, and Calum. They weren't 5 Seconds of Summer without Ashton.

"Luke do want to come with Michael and I to Ashton's grave?" Calum asked.

Luke simply nodded and got ready. He also got his acoustic guitar so he could sing songs to Ashton. The other boys also got their guitars and they headed to Ashton's grave.


Once they got there they went to Ashton's grave and Luke placed a red rose on it. He then read the headstone

Here rests Ashton Fletcher Irwin
July 7, 1994 - July 16, 2015
Beloved Brother, Boyfriend, Bandmate
"People aren't kind, you aren't perfect,
they aren't perfect, no on is, hearts break,
you fall in love, you are alive to feel,
you are alive."

"Can we sing now?" Luke asked.

The other two nodded and they started singing


The boys had spent the whole time singing and now it was late at night.

"Guys we should leave it's 11:11," Calum sighed getting up.

"I wish for Ashton back," Luke sniffled.

"What?" Michael asked in confusion.

"It's 11:11 and I made a wish. I wish for Ashton to come back," Luke finally broke down. 

The other boys dropped down next to Luke who was now sobbing uncontrollably. Both the boys engulfed Luke into a hug. After awhile Luke had fallen asleep with tear stained cheeks and short puffs of air coming out of his mouth.


A couple months after the visit to Ashton's grave 5 Seconds of Summer had come to an end because of a couple of reasons.

Luke Hemmings had taken his own life.

Luke had remembered his wish and when he did he thought, Why have Ashton back when I can join him?

So he did.

Michael and Calum were devastated by the loss so they made the decision to end the band. In the months of both deaths Michael and Calum had both hit rock bottom.

Calum and Michael had both been diagnosed with depression. They couldn't but think that it was their own faults that they couldn't stop their friends.

So they decided to join them together.

Both Michael and Calum jumped off a bridge together holding hands.

And that was the official end of 5 Seconds of Summer.


AN: This was hard for me to write.

Most of the people wanted a happy ending, but you should understand that I had this planned out since the beginning.

I know that this seems unlikely but that is why it's called fanfiction.

The reason why I made this sad is because I real don't believe in happy endings. I mean yes some stories have happy endings, but sometimes they end in tragedy and that's why I decided to end it like this,.

I will have two more parts up and then it's officially over.

One will be Ashton's letter and the other one will be one final Authors Note.

QUESTION: What would you change about this story?

I would personally change everything, but that's just my opinion

GOAL: 5+ votes and comments

Love Y'all

Stay Fab!!!!

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