Flashback 3

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(Ian's POV)

It's Sidney's first day of school today, she officially five, Nina is off traveling Europe, so she couldn't be here today.

"Sidney, baby, it's time for you to wake up," I said and kissed her forehead.

"It's your first day of school," I told her and her eyes shot open. It took me four hours to get her to go to bed last night because she was so excited.

"Daddy! We got to hurry up! I can't be late!" she yelled and started shoving toys into her backpack.

"Sidney, you can't bring these toys with you," I told her and started taking them out.

"Well, I already told them they could come with me, and they are always there for me when I am scared," she told me and looked at me with her big blue eyes that resembled mine so very much, and they had tears in them.

"Okay, okay, alright, but just this one time!" I told her sternly.

"Thank you daddy! Is mommy gonna be home to bring me to school? Because I just love her so much and I miss her so much more!" Sidney exclaimed, Nina has been gone for almost right months now, I don't think she's coming back.

"Oh, I don't think so baby, but I'll be here! And I'll take you to get a new Barbie after school! How does that sound?" I asked her.

"That sounds fun, but I wish mommy was here," she told me.

"Me too, baby girl, but let's pick out what dress your going to wear!" I exclaimed and she picked out a pink dress with black poka dots on it.

"You're such a beautiful girl!" I told her while we are lucky charms together.

"Daddy, you tell me that too much," I had to stifle a laugh after she said that.

"I'm sorry baby," now let's get you to school! I told her and I put her in the car an buckled her up. Once we got there I walked her in and she hugged me then left, I walked out tearing up. She was getting so big! I wasn't shooting for Lost today so I had the day off to relax until I had to pick up Sidney at 3:30.

About an hour after I dropped her off, I got a call from the school.

"Is this Mr. Somerhalder?" a lady asked.

"It is, is something wrong?" I asked becoming worried.

"Yes, actually, your daughter won't stop crying, she keep calling for you," she told me.

"Alright I'm on my way," I said and hopped in the car and I believe I was speeding, I was just trying to get there as fast as I could. I needed to see my baby girl. When I got there I ran down the hall, and opened the door to her class room, there she was crumpled into a ball crying out, "daddy! daddy!" I walked over to her and picked her up and started walking out the door. When we got out side I set her down.

"Baby, what's wrong? I thought you were excited for school?" I asked her. She threw her arms around me still hugging me.

"Oh daddy, I was! Then I really missed you, and I really miss momma, and I just don't wanna go back! Please don't make me!" she cried out I felt so bad! But I knew she'd have to go back.

"Oh honey, you have to go back, I can't stop that, if I could, trust me I would, but I can't there gonna make you, maybe I can call mom and have her take you there next week? This week I'll take you though, okay?" I asked her.

"Yes, daddy, will you promise me something?" she asked me.

"Anything baby girl," I told her.

"Promise me you'll never leave me as long as mom has," she said still crying.

"I promise," I told her and picked her up, and carried her to the car and buckled her up and kissed her forehead.

"I love you," I told her.

"I love you too, daddy," she told me.

We drive home, and she got in the shower so I could clean up before we went out to eat. But I had to call Nina first.

"Hello?" it was Nina.

"Hey Nina, do you have a minute?"

"Sure, Ian, what's up?" she asked me.

"It's Sidney, she really misses you, she couldn't even go to school because she was afraid id leave her like you did, Neens please come back it's so hard without you," I told her.

"Ian, you know I'd love to, but we made a deal, when I got pregnant, that I would travel and better my career, and you'd take care of her, remember?" she asked me.

"Yeah, how could I forget,its just she needs you Nina," I said.

"Is that mommy?" Sidney asked me.

"It is! Would you like to talk to her?" I asked her.

"Please!" she yelled.

"Okay, Neens, Sidney wants to talk to you, okay?"

"Okay." So I put it on speaker.

"Hi Mommy!" Sidney exclaimed.

"Hey how was school?"

"Uh good," Sidney replied.

"If I was there would I have been proud of your behavior?" Nina asked her.

"Uh..." Sidney started.

"Why don't you go upstairs I'll be there in a minute," I told Sidney.

"Uh okay," she said and ran upstairs.

"Nina! What the hell was that?" I screamed at her.

"She needs to know that kinda of behavior is not okay," Nina told me.

"Nina, she's five! She misses her mom! She was scared of losing her dad!" I yelled at her.

"Still no excuse," Nina told me.

"You know what Nina? Your a shitty excuse for a mother! Sidney deserves better than you, I thought you were different. Your a piece of shit, and that's what you'll always be. Have fun in hell Nina," I told her then hung up on her and ran upstairs to see Sidney.

"Why does mommy hate me?" she asked when I got up there and I looked at her I see her eyes filled up with tears.

"She doesn't hate you, she just didn't know what happened today," I told her and walked over to her and held her.

"Yes she does, I heard you talking to her," she said looking up at me.

"How would you like to sleep in my bed tonight?" I asked her, she always liked that.

"Yes!" she said and hoped into my arms. I tucked her into my bed and we fell asleep like that.

A.N. hey guys! how was this chapter? Please let me know in the comments! You guys are awesome!

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