Loki's Mortal Gift

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You had come to Sakaar through circumstances that were beyond your understanding. You had simply been hiking through state land in upstate NY one sunny albeit chilly fall morning when you had fallen through what could only be described as a portal, landing you on the strange, trash ridden planet.

Spotted immediately by a group of vagabonds, and taken to one of the Grandmasters prison cells, you had never been more frightened. Did your family know you were missing? Would they ever be able to find you on this strange realm?

You had cried tears of despair for 2 days, before being brought to see the Grandmaster, ruler of Sakaar, and another relatively new visitor to the planet. You had recognized him immediately as Loki, Prince of Asgard and the tyrannical lunatic that tried to take over NYC several years ago. Apparently he had also found himself stranded here through strange circumstances several weeks before your arrival, and was fairing far better than you to say the least. As reward for gaining the Grandmasters favor, you were to be his gift. "You May have failed to bring all of Midgard under your rule, but perhaps the subjugation of one mortal will be enough to satisfy you," he had said, while eyeing you creepily as if he was considering keeping you for himself.

Loki had tried to graciously deny the Grandmasters 'gift' claiming little need for a mere mortal, but despite your fear of the god you had given him a pleading look, scared that his rejection would mean the Grandmaster claiming you as his own. He reluctantly agreed.

Back in his chambers he had made it crystal clear that he was doing you a favor, and that in exchange for his protection you would serve him by cleaning his chambers, polishing his armor, serving his meals and any other duties he chose to bestow on you. Picking up on your uneasiness at the last part of that statement and what it might mean, he'd taken the liberty to explain that he was capable of many things, but taking a woman against her will was beneath him, especially a pathetic mortal.

Things had gone on like that for several months. In public you both put on the facade of a slave/master relationship, but in private you were merely his maid. If you were being honest, you'd even say things had been surprisingly pleasant. You missed your family dearly but you had to focus on staying alive. The prince and you had developed a platonic yet friendly relationship. So much so that you had started preparing Loki's favorite meals personally, and he brought books from the library he thought you'd enjoy. You'd read them together and then either discuss or argue over the merits of the book. More often then not he was a cocky bastard, but he was also kind and charming. Traits you tried desperately not to focus too intently on.

You were even given liberties around the Grandmasters castle, making friends with the other servants. You were often invited to the grandmasters parties, with Loki by your side of course, but you were still allowed to converse and socialize as you pleased.

On this particular evening you would actually be part of the entertainment. The Grandmaster had requested your services, having seen you display your talent with abandon at a previous party. You of course obliged. You had learned very quickly that the key to surviving on this wretched planet was to keep the ruler as happy as possible. Loki had known nothing of your performance other than it was to be a dance of some kind.

The stage was dark, it's only light illuminating the large red ribbon that hung from the obscenely tall ceiling, and your silhouette. Dressed in a long green sheer skirt, slit up the side, and a tube top to match, you had floated seductively up and down that large ribbon like a poll. The dance was skillful but incredibly sensual. All eyes were on you, and every man in the audience was cheering and whistling with excitement. You put on a good show. Even Loki was watching you with deep intensity. You wish you knew what he was thinking. Was he enjoying it like the others, you wondered?

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