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Scarlet pain radiated through your body; hot rippling agony that started around your upper arm and bursted down into the very tips of your fingers and all the way up through your shoulders and chest. You were vaguely aware that someone was carrying you, gasping and cursing with heavy breath in your ear as they moved. The smell of blood, steal and sweat filled your nostrils. You looked up, and felt deep relief as you realized through blurry eyes that it was Loki who was holding you. In your confused semiconscious state you wondered dreamily what all the drama was about. Had someone branded you at the orgy? Or perhaps you had been bitten by some unimaginable Sakaarian insect?

Then all of a sudden, as if your body had willed it, a very familiar surge of rage began to swell inside you as the truth of what they had done came rushing back to you.

'Those fuckers,' you thought to yourself, 'they cut out my implant.' Hot angry tears began to stream down your pale cheeks.

You felt your whole body suddenly tilting backwards, then forward again with a quick jerk, followed by a loud bang as if someone had fired off a shotgun. The air changed. It smelled familiar; safe. You knew you were in your chambers as Loki laid you gently down on the bed, and you finally opened your eyes to look up at him.

Your heart seized with relief, 'We're alive. We're together,' you thought calmly, and for one very brief moment there was no pain or anger.


Only 5 minutes prior to safely reaching your bedchambers, Loki had been lying on the ground in pure agony, volt after volt of electricity being propelled throughout his body. Each one rising and cresting with a final shatter of pain; all he could do was lie there and gasp for breath. Loki absently wondered if this was in anyway comparable to being in labor.

Finally the pain stopped as quickly as it had started, and without even a thought to what he was doing, he found himself on his feet, pulling and tossing bodies out of his way as he pushed himself through the crowd towards you. He wielded his godlike strength with pure abandon and some of the bodies he tossed aside collided with the far wall, knocked unconscious, bones audibly breaking.

At last he reached your bleeding, unconscious body sprawled out on the chaise. Loki's heart dropped immediately, he was so sure you were dead. He glanced briefly at the spectators surrounding him. Some looked confused but most were snickering at him, or whispering to each other with callous disregard.

Upon closer inspection Loki could see that your tiny little chest was in fact moving, and the bleeding was primarily coming from your left arm, minus a small gash on your cheekbone. 'Must have hit her when she tried to put up a fight. Good girl,' Loki mused to himself before rushing to scoop you up in his arms. You were completely limp and still out cold. His grasp around you tightened, and without a word or a look back, he headed for the large entry doors.

Loki informed you of all this in the bathroom of your bedchambers while he cleaned and bandaged your arm. He had cast a spell as soon as you both returned to mute any noise from your rooms that may be audible to outside ears. It was the same spell he'd used the first night you made love to each other. Not willing to take any chances, he turned on the shower as well just to be sure.

The pain had drained away, leaving behind a numb helpless feeling, with intermittent waves of fury and hate as you listened to him. You had never been raped, but you imagined what you felt in this moment was very akin to what it must feel like. The violation, the betrayal. You could still feel the violent penetration of that cold blade as it made its first slice into your arm. You could still remember their insidious grins as they held you down. You could remember the smell of blood oozing from your arm and rancid wine from their breath as they laughed at your cries for help. You remembered almost everything. You had only passed out once they had started using the knife as a spoon to dig the implant out of your arm.

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