Part XII

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Two guards were assigned to escort Hulk and you back to your new chamber. The despair and heartache seemed to wrap itself around you, cradling you like the enormous hands of the monster that still carried you, causing every inch of your body to ache and every breath you fought to draw unbearable.  It was all consuming. 

You laid very still while Hulk marched on, wrapping your arms firmly around yourself, you fought what you knew were the tell tale signs of a potential blackout.  Focused so intently as you were on your breathing, you nearly failed to notice the almost imperceivable change in the Hulks demeanor.  Where before his stride had been fluid and calm, very suddenly his grip on you closed ever so slightly, and he simply stopped walking.

You were about to lift your head to observe whatever terrible destination they had brought you to when you were unceremoniously tossed from one large green hand into the other as the Hulk brought his other arm savagely down on one of the guards standing next to him.

What exactly happened in the moments right after, you really couldn't say with any certainty.  You were being swung through the air with a certain lack of grace that you found particularly annoying, with only images of blurred limbs and a few short stifled cry's to give you any sense of what was happening.

The commotion was over faster than it had started, and you found yourself finally being set down on solid ground, looking down on the two guards sprawled out in a bloody mess before you.  You looked back at the hulk, mouth gaping wide in shock and said, "What the fuck was that?!"

"Girl walk now," was all he said before he calmly turned back down the hallway.

You starred after him for a moment incredulously, quickly weighing your options.  Deciding that sticking with the 1,400 Ib walking monolith with seemingly no qualms for putting down the Grandmaster's guards, was probably your best bet, you cautiously made your way after him.  He was simply walking at what could only be considered a normal pace for a monster, but naturally due to his size you had to maintain a light trot to keep up with him.  You were flushed and panting with effort when you finally caught up him, "Would you mind telling me exactly what the Hell is going on here?"

The Hulk gave you a quick sidelong glance, "Hulk and Girl go to free slaves, start revolution," he responded with a smirk.  You both had been walking down a poorly lit corridor and you realized quickly this was an area completely unfamiliar to you.  You reached the end of the hallway as he finished speaking, and stood in front of a large wooden door. Hulk pointed to the door with one large green appendage and said simply, "Dungeons." He reached out for the handle and with one quick jerk, pulled the door right off it's hinges.  He made a "mmph" sound as he tossed it callously aside after which he promptly walked through the opening and started making his way down the steep spiraling staircase on the other side.

Exasperated you followed along behind him, still peppering him with questions, "Revolution? What are you talking about, Revolution? And how exactly are we supposed to do any of this without being discovered?"

"Loki distract Grandmaster while we free slaves," Hulk responded casually.

"Wait what?  Loki is in on this?! I swear I'm going to kill hi-" but the Hulk cut you off with huff, as if annoyed with a small child.

"Loki and Hulk make plan weeks ago.  Free slaves, kill the Grandmaster, take Sakaar.  You and Loki go home," he finished.

" Would have been nice to have been kept in the loop," you huffed, still following him down the winding damp staircase.

"Loki say you bad actress," he chuckled back to you. You rolled your eyes in response.

The stairs ended briefly on a open landing packed with shelves, tables and floor to ceiling cases full of weapons, another set of stairs continuing down could be seen on the other side of this artillery storage space.  Hulk walked over to one of the tall cases on the wall, swung open the metal door and pulled from it a hammer that was only slightly smaller than you. "And how do you benefit from this arrangement?" you asked distantly, admiring the impressive weapon in his hands.

"Hulk like Sakaar.  Sakaar like Hulk,"  he replied, picking up a sword between his thumb and forefinger like a toothpick he handed it to you without further comment and proceeded back down the stairs.

You followed after him quietly, pondering all he had said, and for the first time in days real hope lit a flame in your heart.  You were still somewhat in shock from the mornings traumatic venture, reminding yourself to give Loki a good verbal maybe even physical thrashing the moment you laid eyes on him, but there was a buzz of excitement radiating through you at the idea of getting off this damnable planet.  You focused solely on it, and gripped the leather handle of your sword with new found determination.

The stairs ended abruptly, depositing you both in a small room with another door that you assumed lead to the main prison chambers that housed all the slaves and fighters of Sakaar. The room was also furnished with a few chairs, and a table positioned near a small fire in the corner. The two guards currently sitting in those chairs enjoying what was no doubt was their lunch,  looked up with mixed expressions of annoyance, then confusion, and finally settling on utter terror, attempted to rise from their chairs, mouths still full, fumbling with their swords.

The Hulk was there before you even had a second to think about what your strategy might be, and with a deafening roar swung his hammer in a vicious arc, hitting both men in one blow.  When you looked up again you could see the guards sprawled out in a large heap on the floor, fragments and splinters of wood scattered everywhere from the hammers impact.   The Hulk casually stepped over the mound and made his way to the door leading the prisons main holding area.

The prisoners were fully brought up to speed, and having zero hesitations regarding their role in this revolution promptly made their way back up the stairs to the weapons holding area, and proceeded to arm themselves thoroughly. After only a few moments the job was complete and everyone was ready to move on.  The Hulk moved to lead the charge back up the remaining stairs when you quickly caught him by the calf with a pinch, "Where to now?"

Hulk simply grinned down at you and said, "To find your puny God."

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