Part XI

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"We mustn't linger, my love," Loki called to you.

You came out of the bathroom to find him furiously rummaging through the wardrobe you both shared, carelessly tossing all of his things aside as he located some of your darkest and warmest clothing, stuffing them into a burlap sack.

"We've made a grave error in our delay.." Loki continued as he crossed the room, giving you an almost shameful sideways glance as he passed, picking up fruit from the table and dropping them into the bag.

"Do you think they know we mean to leave? Are they looking for us already?" you asked, trying to quiet the tremble that was suddenly building inside you.

"No darling, they're already here. Fortunately the illusion I cast outside our chambers is making it terribly difficult for them to locate the door." He finished filling his bag with whatever he deemed necessary then crossed the room to you. Gently he reached out to cradle your cheek in his hand and said, "Y/N, I know I've been terribly foolish. I've put you in danger with my carelessness and now.." he glanced quickly down towards your stomach, " well, now I'm not sure it's just you I'm entirely responsible for. But I love you, and we're getting out of here."

"What's the plan?" You asked, biting back the smile that was threatening to creep up to your lips.

"First we leave through the balcony doors, I'll have to-"

A deafening boom suddenly erupted from your bathroom, massive fragments of wood exploded from the doorway and were flung in your direction. A small yelp escaped you as Loki pulled you into his arms and took you to the ground, shielding you with his body.

Your ears were still ringing and little could be seen as the dust from the explosion settled. However, what you could still feel was the distinctly patterned booming that seemed to be now coming from the floor itself. Like little earthquakes clipped suddenly short, but that refused to concede to something. There was something very large in the room, and it was walking towards you both.

Finally your eyes came into focus as you watched the grandmaster gliding out of the shadows of falling debris, smirking confidently into your chambers, followed by the Hulk.

Loki was suddenly lifting you clumsily to your feet, trembling ever so slightly at what you knew was the understandable reaction to coming face to face with one of the few creatures in the nine realms capable of inflicting genuine pain on him.

You could almost taste the intense strength he was currently harnessing to compose himself. He lifted his chin and squared his shoulders as he possessively stepped in front of you. You couldn't see Loki's face but you knew he was leering viciously as the pair came thundering towards you.

The grandmaster slowly closed the distance, stopping finally 6 feet from the both of you. He took a moment to look around the room. His gaze was serious and focused, but upon locating the burlap bag that had been flung into one corner of the room, he smiled wickedly.

"Looks like we got here just in time," he laughed, "I uh, would hate to think of you departing so soon, and before we had a chance to discuss my exciting prospect for you."

"Am I really to believe you would just let us leave? I know what your intentions are with this mortal. Am I to believe this grand show of force is just part of some diplomatic discourse?" Loki growled out.

"Oh him?" The Grandmaster nodded towards the Hulk, and sneered, "Just a friend," he paused, his smile broadening knowingly, "do you know him?"

Loki, cast the bait aside and said, "I'm not interested in negotiating with you unless such negotiations include a reasonably safe route to leave this damnable planet which I very much doubt they do. You have nothing of practical value to offer."

The Grandmaster cocked his head to the side, his twisted smile never fading, "Don't I? Are you sure about that? Because I could think of no better ally to have as my second in command, than an almighty, all powerful God. Even better, a God that in fact, may be expecting a little Demi-god offspring as well? My, just simply think of the possibilities"

Your stomach dropped as you listened and watched this scene unfolding before you. You knew if there was one thing capable of breaking Loki's resolve, it was the possibility of wielding unchecked power. You quietly extinguished those flames of doubt, meditating on the comforting admission Loki had made to you earlier. He loved you. He would get you both out of this.

Loki took a deep breath, his arm was still gently wrapped around you holding you back away from the scene, you peeked around his arm, feeling his grasp tighten on you as he said with deep conviction, "Not interested."

"And what does interest you?," The Grandmaster replied facetiously, "What type of life are you planning to have with that mortal when you leave here? You have many enemies Loki Laufeyson, and when they come to draw pain down upon you do you really believe they will not score the nine realms to find your precious mortal and child first? Do you really believe that once you leave here there will ever be one moment of your life that isn't dedicated to protecting them? No, of course you don't. You're no fool but this is a child's game you're playing and you know it. There can be no peace for any of you, not together." The Grandmaster finished with gesture of sympathy.

Loki took a deep breath and chuckled haughtily, but his grip on you faltered as he responded, "And how can you be sure there even IS a child?"

"Oh I've been doing a lot of interesting reading lately..yea specifically on the reproduction and mating habits of not just mortals, but those Jötuun born as well. All of which lead me to deduce that you would be unable to resist your beloved while ovulating. I couldn't be sure, but I was fairly certain you would go to her immediately after the implant was removed. Just as I am fairly certain now, that union resulted in a child. As I know you suspect as well."

"Even so, you are truly mad if you think I would just hand over my child to anyone, let alone an insufferable old man like you," Loki replied with a snarl.

"Oh no, you misunderstand. I offer you every and any opportunity to help raise the child as you see fit, in addition to doing me the honor of standing by my side, and helping me rule," he stopped for a moment, spreading his arms out and beaming with mock pride he said, "Think of it Loki, real power. Let her go, and take hold of what was always destined to be yours."

The silence that filled the room after the Grandmasters speech felt so real and tangibly thick, you feared for one illogical moment that you might actually choke on it. You waited for Loki to make a move or some sign, but he simply stood there, starring at the Grandmaster.

Finally his grip around you tightened and you instinctively relaxed, until his hand began to uncomfortably close around your forearm.

Without warning he viciously spun you around and locked your body in front of his chest. Your heart began to thunder frantically as he said, "Naturally I expect her to be well cared for.."

Your mind was reeling. You simply could not comprehend what was happening. There must be some mistake. The betrayal left you stunned and mute.

"Naturally." The Grandmaster nodded, clearly satisfied. "You have my word"

And without another word Loki brutally began dragging you forward towards the grandmasters outstretched arms. You, now fully awakened to the situation, began to furiously kick and scream in outrage, tears streaming down your face as he carelessly tosses you to the ground by the Grandmasters feet.

You curled into a ball and wailed at this sudden and cruel treachery. Your screams echoed wildly through out the room. This couldn't be right. He must be bluffing, it all must be apart of his plan. You tried to convince yourself of all of it, even as you watched through blinding tears as they both walked away from you and out of the room, together.

There was no telling how long you laid there before the howling subsided into quiet anguished weeping. Your eyes were still closed when you felt an unnaturally large, but equally gentle hand close around you, lifting you up.

As the Hulk carried you out of the bedchambers you had shared with your beloved dark prince, the thought that it probably would be the last time you ever saw them threatened to shatter you all over again. You shamelessly buried your head into the hulks chest as he walked, not caring where he was taking you, only that some merciful darkness would take you, and numb you to this pain forever.

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