Part III

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Loki was pouring what appeared to be some type of scented oil into the large, porcelain tub as you entered the bathroom. The smell of lavender and lemon instantly invaded your senses. You closed your eyes and breathed in deeply, your heart aching, the combination of smells brought back memories of earth. Of home.

Loki cleared his throat, snapping you out of your moment of grief. You opened your eyes and looked up at your dark, beautiful prince. He had already stepped into the tub and was holding a hand out to you, you took it gently, as he carefully guided you into the bath.

You moved to sit in front of him with your back to his chest, but he stopped you abruptly, and without saying a word forced you to face him, and wrap your legs around his waist. You were practically in his lap, his cock lightly resting against your thigh.

The water felt like heaven to your sore muscles, but the intimate position you found yourself in made your heart pound fiercely in your chest. Somehow sitting like this with Loki felt more erotic than all the things he had done to you in the other room.

Loki said nothing as he picked up the sponge and started to bath you, looking down at you from time to time, eyes dark and hooded. That look alone made you feel feverish, and you could feel a deep blush spread across your face and chest.

Loki chuckled, "Your inability to hide your sentiment is deeply satisfying, I must admit Pet."  You said nothing, just turned an even brighter shade of red, smiling shyly.

Loki smirked to himself, moving his hands down your body, massaging the sides of your waist with the sponge, moving swiftly to the sensitive spot between your legs.

Your breath hitched at the feeling. You were sore and the gentle strokes he was giving you was deeply soothing. You closed your eyes, relishing the feeling. When you opened your eyes again Loki was inches from your face, lips almost touching, breathing heavily.

You stared at him pleadingly, your breathing becoming labored as that familiar heat started to spread through your core once again. You tried to keep your eyes on him, his gaze was heady and filled with lust. He started to lean in even more, his lips only inches from you now. You closed your eyes, expecting to feel those warm perfect lips on yours, but instead Loki swiftly stopped his movements, pulling his hands away from you and said, "My turn darling."

You snapped your eyes open, mouth hanging open awkwardly in disbelief and annoyance. You snatched the sponge out of his hands with a huff as he leaned back, grinning devilishly.

You worked the sponge over his shoulders and down his gorgeous chest. You had never seen a man so perfect. White porcelain skin, body lean but chiseled, and powerful. You kept your eyes down, unable to bring yourself to look up at him as he no doubt was finding some amusement in your admiration.

As you bathed him an overwhelming feeling of possessiveness washed over you. You wanted to thoroughly belong to him, but you wanted him to belong to you as well. Yet, you knew this could never be. Loki could never truly love a mortal. You knew he simply wouldn't allow himself to. And if you were being honest, it was understandable why. If the tables were turned you were unsure if you yourself would give your heart to someone destined to perish long before you were.  You had to try and exercise some level of control over your emotions, for your own well being.

With furrowed brow, you continued to bath your prince, lost in an ocean of empty hopes and longing. Loki, sensing something was wrong, cleared his throat and glaring down on you asked, "What troubles you mortal?" His voice was deep and demanding, pulling you from your thoughts and sending a chill through your body.

You stumbled over your words, not wanting to reveal your concerns to the prince you finally managed to blurt out, "Oh..I, uh..nothing. Really, it's nothing."

Loki's Mortal GiftWhere stories live. Discover now