Part VII

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You and Loki had made love three more times before you had collapsed into the mattress, begging the dark prince for mercy between gasps of breath. The third time, much to your excitement and after much persuasion on your part, you had convinced Loki to let you ride him. He had allowed you to thrust softly on top of him, trying desperately to hold back and allow you to maintain control. You straddled his waist and he had caressed your body, gently massaging your hips and cupping your breasts, all while whispering sweetly into your ear; "so soft and warm," and "you're so beautiful, Pet."

Loki let you rest for only a few moments before he began dragging you from the bed, insisting you take a bath before going to sleep. You had dug your heels into the rough carpet of your bedchambers and whined in protest like a child. But Loki just chuckled with amusement and threw you over his shoulder cavemen style, slapping your ass playfully as he carried you to the bathroom.

Your annoyance quickly melted away replaced by a swelling gratitude as Loki washed you. The hot water numbed the dull but persistent ache between your legs and the new bruises that were already beginning to form. But it also had an effect on your mental clarity as well, and you soon found yourself brooding, hundreds of questions sprinting through your mind once again.

"Loki," you finally said, breaking the silence, "what happened tonight? What did you do to those guards?"

"Shhh," his embrace tightened around you, "no more questions tonight."

And there had been no more questions that night. Resigned to his promise to tell you everything in the morning, you allowed him to carry you back to bed. You both laid there for a long time, trying desperately to find the sleep that would chase away all the things that had gone unsaid, and the danger that loomed over you both. Loki held you so tightly, practically clinging to you. You wondered absently, as sleep finally claimed you, if it was you he was trying so hard to soothe, or was it perhaps himself?


You were awoken by cool hands running up and down the length of your body, squeezing and massaging your skin gently. You sighed deeply at the sensation, content at what you distantly realized had been the best nights sleep you'd had in a week. Maybe your whole life.

"Good morning, little one," Loki breathed into your ear, "did you sleep well?"

"Hmmm, exceptionally well.." you replied, smiling as Loki's warm lips started to caress the back of your neck. Aware that he was most likely trying to delay the very serious conversation you both very much needed to have this morning, you turned toward him and said, "Do not think you're getting out of our discussion this morning, you promised.."

"Darling I wouldn't dream of it, naturally I desire nothing more than to engage in serious conversation first thing in the morning, but first I'd like to briefly engage in something else.." he purred out as his hand slid between you thighs to stroke your still wet center.

You grabbed his wrist suddenly, "Loki, you know damn well you're incapable of being 'brief' and we'll be here long into the afternoon if we start now." You arched an eyebrow at him seriously, still gripping his wrist. He stilled his movements, glaring down at you, no doubt contemplating his options. After a few beats you finally said, "Please Loki, I'm scared and I deserve to know what's going on."

Loki sighed deeply at that and moved away from you finally, rising from the bed he walked towards the table that sat opposite from the balcony doors where you both usually shared your meals. He ran his hands through his long dark locks, sighing heavily again before picking up the canister of wine and pouring himself a small glass.

"Is it really that bad?" You asked hesitantly, slowly sitting up in the bed as you watched him. You pulled the sheet up to cover your naked breast, fear swelling in your chest.

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