Part II

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You were awoken by the warm rays of sunlight trickling in through the balcony doors, showering your body in a pleasant glow. You rolled onto your side, groaning as every muscle in your body screamed out in agony. You felt like you had been hit by a train, an incredibly gorgeous, green eyed, Demi-god of a train, but a train nevertheless. The sensation immediately brought back all the erotic memories of last night.

You flushed deeply thinking of the way he had taken you, so rough and with such urgency. The things he had said to you, spoken with such dominance and possessiveness. He had said you were his. Just thinking about it all made your pussy ache for him.

You peaked an eye open, painfully disappointed to see Loki had already left. He generally left early in the morning before you woke to train and complete tasks for the Grandmaster. Still, you couldn't help but worry. Did he regret last night? Was he avoiding you? You tried to push the thoughts from your mind as you slowly sat up in bed with a groan.

Quickly scanning the room but finding no sign of him, you rose from the bed with a sigh and carefully crossed your chambers to the bathroom. The pain between your legs was slightly alarming, you doubted very much that you had ever been in this much discomfort after being with a man. Then again, Loki was anything but just a man.

Flicking on the lights in the bathroom you gasped as you caught the first glimpse of yourself since last night. Dark bruises and bite marks were scattered all over your chest, hips and thighs. A rather large one resembling the shape of a hand was splayed across your upper right hip. Shock quickly giving way to a sort of pleasant sense of pride. Much to your surprise, you rather enjoyed seeing his mark upon you. You relished the thought of being his. Being completely owned by him in body and mind.

Grinning widely you turned the shower on and stepped inside. Letting the hot water soothe your tired and bruised body, you stood under the running water and wondered anxiously how things would be when he finally returned. Would he express regret over what had transpired between you? Was it merely lust, or did he truly feel something more for you? 

You tried to relax, and let the water wash away your tension. After the better part of an hour you finally turned the shower off, feeling cleaned and rejuvenated you stepped out of the tub, wrapping a towel around your glistening body. The shower had done you good. Your body ached dully, and you were still pretty exhausted from the previous nights activities but you felt like a brand new woman all the same.

You suddenly realized how hungry you were and decided you needed to treat yourself to some delivery. Even though you felt better, you couldn't imagine journeying far today. Just standing too long was uncomfortable, you couldn't picture walking all the way to the kitchens.

Slipping into your green, silky floor length robe, you opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom, gasping when you saw the God of Mischief standing in your chambers, smirking and eyeing you with amusement.

"There you are pet," He slithered out, grinning wickedly. He started to stalk slowly towards you, still shocked by his sudden appearance you merely stood there, heart pounding wildly in your chest. Closing the distance between you, he continued "I've had such an interesting day, love. It would seem you have peaked the interest of everyone on Sakaar this morning."

Your brows wrinkled in confusion, "what?" You blurred out?

Only a few feet from you now, staring at you intensely and in mock surprise said, "Yes, you see apparently screams could be heard from our chambers last night," your hands immediately went to cover your face in genuine embarrassment as he finally reached you, and continued on with his taunting, "and many have also noted that you have not been outside our rooms yet today. Are you alright darling, are you ill?" He purred out in faux concern.

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