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There was an unnerving grinding sound as fragments of glass and wood spiraled and turned, twisting themselves back into shape. It was like watching an old VHS movie, if some one had hit pause then rewind. Your vision was slightly blurred but you watched in awe as Loki worked his magic. It all stopped just as quickly as it had started, with a final whoosh the balcony doors and table were back exactly where they had been only moments before. Loki lowered the arm he'd been holding out, nodding in approval at his work.

He looked back to your angelic form, sitting on the bed, hand at your breast still clutching the silky green satin sheet you were wrapped in. To him, in that moment you looked like Aphrodite. He beamed internally at the thought. "We need to talk."

"Please tell me you have a plan," you breathed out, still a little in shock and unable to move.

He started walking slowly toward you.

"As far as tonight's festivities go, I'm afraid we will have no choice but to indulge the mad man. I simply don't think there is anything to be done, and to be honest, I am far more concerned for what he has planned after this debauchery."

You once again covered your face with your hands, unable to believe the disgusting predicament you found yourself in. "He wants to breed me, doesn't he?"

Loki said nothing, his only response a solemn nod.

"Sucks to be him, old fool has no idea I have an implant." You moved to get off the bed, suddenly you felt like you could use a drink as well, social drinking norms be damned.

Loki caught you quickly by the arm to stop you, "uhh, I beg your pardon, I am not, as I'm sure you understand, well versed in the reproductive cycles or practices of mortals. Pray tell, what is an 'implant'?"

"Its a device in my arm that pumps hormones into my body, essentially tricking it into thinking I am already pregnant, which in turn prevents me from ovulating. Mine will last for another 2 years or so." You finished with a smirk. For the first time in a while you felt a slight surge of superiority over your dark prince. How satisfying it was to possess such profound information that he didn't. Childish, you thought to yourself. Still, it happened so rarely you decided to allow yourself to enjoy the moment.

"Clever," Loki said thoughtfully, "and..exactly how often do mortal women ovulate?"

"Once a month," you replied.

"Norns, you are fertile." He said with what you thought was genuine shock and something else, you couldn't quite put your finger on it though. He wasn't looking at you now, his brow was furrowed in deep thought. You let him contemplate all this before he finally went on. "Well this is actually quite fantastic, but Y/N, you mustn't tell anyone this. Not a soul, do you understand?"

"Yes, of course."

"Good. It'll allow us some time to formally plan our assault. Which quite frankly, we need all we can get." It was Loki's turn to put his head in his hands, seemingly trying to rub the stress and tension out of his mind. He sighed deeply.

"Loki," you began with caution, "Are you planning a coup?"

Loki looked up at you suddenly with a smirk and what was most definitely twinkling amusement in his eyes. He reached across the bed, taking your hand in his, "Listen love, I do not want you to worry yourself with this right now. We need to get through this evening first. One perversion at a time, yes?"

You couldn't help but giggle at that, "Do we really have to do this? There must be some way.." you pleaded.

"I'm afraid not. Maybe if we'd had more time to prepare, but.." he trailed off, and squeezed your hand once more, forcing you to look at him, his eyes were dark and serious, "Y/N, you must listen and do everything I tell you tonight. Do not show me affection or display your feelings for me in any manner, as I will not return them. I will not be kind to you. I might even hurt you. But you must stay strong. They must be convinced that we are merely master and slave, nothing more. Anything short of this will reveal how vulnerable we are. Do you understand?"

Loki's Mortal GiftWhere stories live. Discover now