Part IV

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"Little late is it not?" Loki slithered out, voice dripping in disdain.

One of the Grandmasters guards stood stiffly in the doorway of the main living area that you and Loki shared. Loki was leaning against the door, with one hand on the knob and the other gripping the door frame.

"Sir, the Grandmaster has requested your presence in his chambers." The guard looked from Loki to you, his eyes lingering on you for a moment before turning back to Loki.

Loki looked back to see you standing there, less than thrilled by your state of undress, he shifted and positioned himself in such a way that effectively blocked the guards view of you.

"Can't this wait till morning," Loki said, clearly irritated by the solicitation.

"Afraid not my Lord," the guard replied, "the Grandmaster has asked you join him at once."

Loki sighed deeply, "Tell his eminence I will be there shortly."

Loki didn't give the guard a chance to respond, instead slamming the door in his face and turning around he started to make his way over to you.

You stood there, unable to say or do anything but admire the handsome prince strutting towards you. Just one look from him seemed to paralyze all neurological functioning. You were deeply disappointed that he had to leave, wanting nothing more than to crawl into bed and just fall asleep with his strong arms wrapped around you safely.

He finally reached you, grasping your upper arms and squeezing gently he asked, "Are you alright Pet?"

"I'm fine, thank you," you replied softly, "What do you suppose that was all about?" The grandmaster had never requested Loki's services so late in the evening before.

"I haven't the slightest idea, little one," Loki continued to stroke your upper arms as he spoke, "nothing for you to worry yourself with, I'm sure."

Loki's hands slid from your arms moving gently up your shoulders, neck, and finally reaching your face he cupped your cheeks and leaned in, kissing you tenderly.

His lips were so warm and soft, you felt a heat immediately spread through your chest and stomach. You wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to you, desperate for more contact.

Loki pulled away from you suddenly as the kiss began to heat up. Looking down on you with hooded eyes, just a few inches from your lips he breathed out, "I must go, you should go to bed. I will be back soon." 

But his grip on you was tight, and his voice strained. He was clearly struggling to let you go.

You gave him one last peck on the lips and said, "Yes, my King," and slowly started to make your way to the large bed you both shared.

You slipped in between the sheets, and laying down watched as a green shimmer surrounded Loki's body, replacing the towel he was wearing with his full armor. He looked so regal wrapped in all that green and gold metal and leather. It made your heart skip.

He spared you one last glance as he headed for the door to leave, winking at you with that smug, cocky grin, before shutting the door behind him.


Loki walked briskly towards the Grandmasters chambers, seething with irritation at the inconvenience of being ripped away from his pleasant evening. As displeased as he was with the situation he was equally vexed over the purpose of this late night rondeau vue. The Grandmaster had made it a habit to review Loki's duties for the day every morning, so the fact that he was summoned so late in the evening was highly inconsistent and slightly alarming if he was being honest.

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