Part X

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"Don't be ridiculous, I'm not going anywhere.." Your shock waning, giving way to intrigue as you took a few steps towards him.

Loki stood before you, blanketed in azure and the most beautifully intricate markings that swirled and danced across his face and hands. He was in his full armor so you could see little else,  but you were very curious as to what lay underneath.

His composure visibly faltered as he realized you were stalking towards him, and he quickly raised his hands in that universal 'stay back' gesture, and began to back up slowly.

"Don't," his voice was low, thick and dark. Again, you felt it ripple throug your body before settling, not unfamiliarly, between your legs. It was meant to be a command, but there was something in his voice that made you think he actually meant quite the opposite of 'don't.'

The balcony curtains were still shut, shielding the morning sun from your bedchambers, leaving only the fire that was currently burning your blood soiled sheets and nightgown as your source of illumination. The outline of your dark prince was practically indistinguishable in the dim light, but his eyes, blazing at you through narrow scarlet slits, cut through the darkness, as did the potent musky scent that seemed to be pouring off of him. The heady combination made your heart to quicken once more.

You had always wanted to see him like this, had begged him to show you his true form on more than one occasion, but he always scoffed and looked at you like you were crazy.

Now finally seeing it, there was no doubt you felt a very real tremble of fear, but it lay somewhere deep inside, barely a flutter in your chest. No, what you mostly felt in this moment was pure awe, and arousal.

You started to move towards him once more, and though his hands were still up to ward you off, he didn't back up this time.

Instead his eyes narrowed, and a small grin pulled at the corner his mouth. "You are truly unwise to provoke me in this state, little one."

"Don't be silly, if you really wanted to get away from me you would." You responded, and forced a smirk of your own. You didn't want to show him that little sliver of fear that lurked so close to the surface of your subconscious. You were terrified Loki would never forgive you if he saw it. Scared he would cut and run, lost to you forever. You knew this moment was crucial, for him, for both of you.

You stopped about a foot away from him, and took one of his hands in yours. They were slightly chilled, but not freezing, and as smooth as marble. Except for the complex markings that spiraled across his skin, and you couldn't help but stare at them mesmerized, for how long you weren't sure. At some point Loki had used his other hand to reach out and stroke your cheek. The cool flutter of his touch made you look up, those smoldering vermillion eyes peering down at you and finally you said, "You're so beautiful."

Both of Loki's hands quickly but gently seized your face, and with a shudder crashed his lips against yours. His kiss was deep and languid but his grip on you tightened and felt desperate, like he was scared you might fade away.

His hands moved down to the towel that was wrapped around you, and roughly ripped it from your body, tossing it aside. Before you knew what was happening his hands were tugging at the waistband of your underwear, shredding them without pause. You briefly thought you should again mention the bleeding, but the thought was quickly lost. He was in such a frenzy as he lifted you off the ground and carried you to the bed.

You wrapped your legs around his hips and pulled him down onto the bed. His hands roamed your body with a manic hunger as he kissed you passionately. You gasped when his cold hands found your breasts, stroking them firmly as he began suckling your neck.

His lips moved down your body, leaving a trail of goosebumps as he nibbled your chest, stomach and thighs. At one point you yelped when Loki bit down a little too enthusiastically on your inner thigh. Startled, Loki pulled away from you, got off the bed and stood up.

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