Part VI

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Mere seconds had transpired but it seemed time stood still in this moment. Loki's hands gripped your mouth and hip tightly holding you against the wet, cold stone wall, and his erection was still planted firmly inside you. The guards laughter continued to ring out distantly as Loki seethed and shook with rage. You pleaded silently with him to control his anger, your eyes desperately trying to reach him, trying to break through his fury.

Loki finally took a very deep breath and slowly started to withdraw from you, lowering you to the ground simultaneously. Once your feet were on the ground, your gown back in place, he leaned in very close and whispered in your ear, "Go back to our chambers. Now."

You shivered at his words and the dangerous look in his eyes. For a moment you thought about arguing with him, worried what he might do once you were gone, but you quickly decided against it. You had never seen Loki in such a state and it was undeniable that now was no time to cross swords with the God of Mischief.

You quickly nodded, and moved quietly along the stone wall that stretched and spread opposite from the balcony where the two guards now stood. Loki kept his eyes locked on you as you made your way around the stone landing that connected the balcony to a smaller terrace, where you could safely make your exit. Just as you were about to open the terrace door and head back into the castle, you watched as Loki's eyes slipped from you, his gaze focusing back on the two guards. The last thing you saw as he turned the corner was his hands clenching into fists, as he confidently marched towards them.

You, fearful of what you may accidentally overhear, quickly made your way through the terrace door, and scurried quickly down a long dark hallway. It took you several moments to get your barrings, your heart was racing so fast you feared you may actually pass out. You leaned against a wall for a moment, and took a few deep breaths to compose yourself. You realized distantly you had actually been running since you walked through that door. Terrified of Loki and his anger, and what he would do to those two men. Yet equally concerned over what the guards had said. Did the Grandmaster really mean to take you for himself? You would rather jump out of the nearest window than let that disgusting old man touch you.

Having gathered your senses, you realized you needed to quickly get back to your rooms. Not only did you need to discuss all this with Loki, but you were also fearful of the God's inevitable anger at arriving to an empty bed chamber.

You looked around, your surroundings becoming more clear, you suddenly aware that you were indeed not far from your chambers. Without a moments hesitation you gathered your gown in your hands, fisting them nervously, you once again made your way down the long dark hallway. You picked up speed as you went, then suddenly you were running again. Anxious for the safety of your chambers, and your King's embrace.


Back in your rooms you were unsure what to do exactly. You paced the living quarters of your chambers anxiously. So many questions were running through your mind. What was the Grandmaster planning? And more importantly, what did Loki plan to do about it, if anything? What if he willingly just gave you to the grandmaster, glad to be rid of his mortal ball and chain. No, you simply could not believe that. Loki hadn't expressed any true feelings for you, but you saw the way he looked at you. The way he gripped you so passionately when you made love. The way he tenderly held you after your couplings. Maybe it wasn't love per say, but you refused to believe Loki was apathetic towards you. There was something blossoming between the two of you, wasn't there?

Lost completely in your thoughts you were more than startled when you turned to find your King just standing there, staring at you. You gasped and clutched your chest. He really had to stop just appearing like that or you were sure a heart attack was in your near future. You absently tucked that thought away, to be brought up another day. In fact all the worries and stress fueled thoughts immediately bled from your mind as you stood in front of the God of Mischief. The guards, the Grandmaster, the danger you may or may not be in, none of it mattered now. The only thing you felt now was relief to finally be alone with your Master, your Loki. It had been a long week, and the short tryst on the balcony had done nothing so satiate your hunger for him. In fact if anything it only fueled it.

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