Chapter 3

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Katsuki's P.O.V.

I Wake Up Not Really Registering Where I Am At The Moment Until I See The Little Desk And Dresser The School Provides. I Then Sit Up And Realize I'm Still Fully Clothed.

'Damn Wtf Happened Lastnight?'

'Shit ! I Remember Now'

The Events From Lastnight Flooded My Brain, And Yes I Do Remember EVERYTHING. I Felt My Pants Tighten As I Remember The Most Incredible Part Of That Night. The Lap Dance From Deku.

'Fuck! Now I Need A Cold Shower'

I Get Up Too Fast And Stumbled Back A Little Bit But Quickly Regain My Balance And Head To The Bathroom. *Still A Little Hungover From Last Night's Activities*

-Recap Of Lastnight-

Katsuki And Kirishima Made It Back To Their Dorms Around 3 AM. Katsuki Made Sure Not To Drive To Fast To Risk The Cops Pulling Them Over. When They Got Back He Was Forced To Carry Kirishima All The Way To His Room Because He Was Passed Out Drunk.

It Was The Worse Walk Of His Damn Life.

Katsuki Was Drunk Too So That Made The Walk Ten Times Harder. He Had To Balance Himself Plus The Added Weight Of Kirishima. Katsuki Was Beyond Annoyed At This Point. He Had Kirishima Arms On His Shoulders While Trying To Support The Upper Half Of The Boy That Was About The Same Size Of Him If Not Slightly Bigger. He Was Basically Dragging Him Into The Elevator.

They Got To His Floor And Katsuki Dragged Kirishima Down The Hall To His Dorm Room. Katsuki Then Remembered He Doesn't Have The Damn Keys. He Cursed To Himself And Placed The Boy Down On The Floor Next To His Door. He Then Begins To Search His Pants To Find His Keys. He Didn't Find Anything In His Pants But His Wallet. Then Katsuki Remembered That He Drove Here So He Already Had The Keys In He Picket. He Cursed Again Louder Than Before, Shoves His Hand In His Pocket Grabs The Keys Opens The Door And Drags Kirishima In The Door. He Didn't Care That Much About Him So He Places Him On The Couch And Throws His Keys On The Table Next To The Couch And Walked Back Out Locking The Door Behind Him. He's Not That Fucked Up At Lease.

Katsuki Then Forced His Legs To Walk Him Back To The Elevator, Inside, And Up To His Floor. He Gets Off The Elevator Walks To His Dorm Unlocks The Door And Walks In. He Takes A Deep Breath Then Walks To His Room And Throws Himself On The Bed And Passes Out.

-End Of Recap-

I Get Into The Bathroom Turn On The Light And Realize How Terrible I Look.

'Why Do I Always Let That Red Headed Fucker To Do This To Me EVERY DAMN WEEKEND!'

I Can't Help But To Thank The Fucker Though, He Helped Me Get The Best Lap Dance Of My Life. I Look Back Down Remembering The Reason Why I Came In The Bathroom The First Place. I Turn The Water On And Undress Myself. I Wasn't In The Mood For Music So I Skipped That Part And Just Hopped In. I Let The Cold Water Calm Down My Hard On And Then Turned The Warm Water On And Began Washing Up.

I Get Out The Shower Dry Off My Hair And Wrapped A Towel Around My Waist. I Walk Back Into My Room To Attempt To Find My Phone. It Started Ringing So That Made It Easier To Find. I Found It Under My Bed Next To A Few Other Sneakers I Had That Didn't Fit In The Closet. I Picked Up My Phone And It's Nun Other Than The Red Headed Fucker.

"Yoo Bakubro Where Are You I'm Starving Let's Go Get Some Food" My Right Eye Twitched.

"Fuck You And Your Empty Stomach" I Threw My Phone On My Bed And Continued Getting Dressed.

I Decided I Didn't Care What I Was Wearing So I Put On Some Gray Sweat Pants A Black T-shirt Some Socks And My Slides. I Grab My Wallet Keys And ID And Head To The Door. I Leave Out And Walk To The Elevator. Before I Could Even Press The Damn Button The Doors Open And This Fucking Idiot Is Standing There With A Big Ass Smile On His Face.

"Yooo I'm Glad Your Up I Was Gonna Come To Your Room And Probably Raid Ya Fridge I'm Sooo Hungry!" My Eye Twitched Again.

I'm Still Slightly Hungover From Last Night And His Yelling Was Not Helping. I Place My Hand On My Head Then Walk Into The Elevator And Stand Beside Him.

We Get Down To The Main Level And Head Out The Front Doors To Walk Towards The Dining Hall.

My P.O.V.

The Campus Has About 3 Places You Can Get Food From But Katsuki Like This Place Better Because Not A lot Of People Go There. Most Of The People That Are There Are Usually Studying Or Doing Work And Eating So It's Nice And Quite Minus The Occasional Forks And Spoons Clicking Against Plates.

Katsuki And Kirishima Walk Into The Dining Hall And Find A Table For Both Of Them That's Not Out In The Open So Katsuki Would Be Comfortable. Katsuki Stays At The Table So No One Else Will Sit.

Y'all Know He Don't Like People. . . Well Minus One Person. . .

Katsuki's Head Is Still Spinning From Last Night And He's Not Sure If He Wants Food Or Water Or Both. Kirishima Comes Back To The Table With A Plate Full Of Food And A Glass Of Orange Juice. Katsuki Then Gets Up And Go See What They Have To Eat. The Dining Hall Was Set Up Buffet Style, They Have Breakfast And Lunch -Being That It's The Middle Of The Day- So There Were A Few Options To Choose From. He Settled On An Omelet With Everything In It But He Had To Stand In Line To Have It Made. He Looks A Little Down The Line And Sees A Boy With Green Hair.

'That's Kinda Odd, Well Not Really Since The Idiot I'm Sitting With Has Red Hair.'

The Boy Receives His Food And Walks To A Table That Was In The Opposite Corner From Katsuki And Kirishima. Katsuki Was So Mesmerized By The Boy For Some Off Reason That He Didn't Take His Eyes Off Him Untill He Made It To His Seat, Even Then He Was Still Starting. He Mentally Captured His Whole Figure, From The Freckles On His Face And His Big Green Eyes To How The Light Shined On His Skin. Katsuki Comes Back From His Slight Trance And Realized He's Next To Order. He Orders His Omelet Still Thinking About The Boy. He Then Gets His Omelet And Grabs Some Orange Juice As Well And Walks To His Seat.

'Why Do I Feel Like I Know Him?'

"Bro Are You Ok ?" Kirishima Was Looking At Katsuki As He Stares Off At The Back Of The Green Headed Boy That Sat Across The Room. Katsuki Realizes That He Was Staring Snaps Out Of It And Looks At Kirishima.

"Shut Up And Mind Your Damn Business" Katsuki Starts Eating His Omelet. 

'I Swear That Boy Looks Too Familiar For Me Not To Remember Where I Saw Him At, . . . He's Kinda Hot Too . . . Wait Wtf!'

The Boy Left The Dining Hall About 20 Minutes Ago And Katsuki Watched His Entire Figure Walk Out The Hall. Katsuki And Kirishima Finish Their Food And Place Their Plates And Utensils In The Designated Areas, Grab Their Belongings And Head Out The Dining Hall. It's Saturday So There Are No Classes But Katsuki Always Saves This Day To Hit The Library To Start Any Work That Needs To Be Done During That Week. They Both Head Back To Their Dorm So Kirishima Can Go Take A Nap And Katsuki Can Grab His Laptop And The Other Things He Might Need At The Library.


Thanks For Reading ^__^

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