Chapter 7

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*Katsuki's P.O.V.*

I finally found out who this 'mysterious' guy is now it time to find a way to make him feel how I felt that night at the club. Ill probably ask shitty hair and see what he says.

'I never thought I would say something like that ever in my life'

I made it to my dorm room, I put my bag on the floor by my desk and threw myself on my bed. Lord knows I was over school, people and everything above. I hear the door open and keys jingle.

"Yoooo? Anyone here?" Kirishima walked in loud and annoying as usual. I'm not going to say anything I don't want him knowing I'm here.

Suddenly my room door flies open and the spikey haired bastard is standing at my door with the biggest smile his face can produce. I curse to myself because I know how this is going to go.

He then walks over to me and plops himself on my bed next to me. I never moved an inch I stayed laying there with my eyes close. he just sat there silently and it annoyed me even more. I opened one eye to take a peek at him. He had the fucking nerve to be on his phone.

"If you don tell me what the fuck you want then get out." I said sitting up now because in any second I will physically kick his ass out my room.

"Sheeesh I thought you would be in a better mood its not morning any more lighten up butter cup." he nudges me with his elbow and I shot him a death glare.

"Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to go and just hang out you look stressed and so am I what do you say?" He got up and started walking towards my room door.

I sat there for a second thinking long and hard about his offer only because of what happen last time we 'hung out'. I do not want to have to deal with a drunk Kirishima EVER again.

"I swear to god if your ass gets fucked up again I will leave you there." He knows I wont leave him but he also knows I will beat his ass if he does get drunk like that again.

"Calm down damn I promise I wont do it again, only because the next day I had the worse hang over ever I wanted to die." He walks out my room to grab his stuff from off the counter then walks towards the door.

"Don't worry the place I pick is something you will enjoy I know for a fact." I got up from my bed grabbed my phone and my keys as well and we both left our dorm to go do god knows what.

*Izuku's P.O.V.*

I just got out the shower as I wrap my towel around my waist and use another towel to try my hair. I walk into my room and find me something to wear. I found a pair of baggy sweat pants, and a all black v neck t-shirt. I got dressed and went to find some food.

I settled for the cafeteria because I couldn't find anything else. I walk in and find a table a nice distance from everyone but close enough to the food area so I can keep an eye on my stuff. They didn't have a lot to choose from so I just settled for fried chicken, rice and some veggies.

I grab my plate and walk over to my seat. Not paying much attention to what I am doing I notice that I didn't grab any utensils. I cursed to myself and turned back around to grab them from the area where they keep all the drinks. I started walking back to my seat and notice Uraraka walking into the cafeteria. I smiled at her and waved her down to come sit with me.

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