Chapter 8

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Izuku's P.O.V.

I dragged her out the cafeteria forgetting to clean up our mess but this is way more important than that. I stop us off to the side just outside the cafeteria, enough so people can walk comfortably.

"Uraraka wtf were you thinking and why wasn't I consulted with!?"

'Omg I sound like her mom'

"I didn't tell you because of how your reacting right now. I knew you would flip and turn all extra protective on me but I promise you I'm fine."

"Ok your right I understand now but can I just know why you decided this job out of everything else you could have done?" She turned around and  started walking towards our dorm. I followed not asking any questions. This is a sensitive topic so I respect her decision.

We make it back to our dorm, she opens the door and we both enter and sit on the couch in the living area.

"Izuku this job is so fun I feel completely free like I'm floating in the air. The girls at the club all are amazing. They have been helping me out since I started. Like I said before I'm fine." She puts her hand on my shoulder and looks at me with a very confident smile. That made me smile as well. I sighed and gave in. I wanted to talk her out of it but I can tell she's not going to listen to me so let me be a good best friend and stand by for support.

"Well since we both are into dancing on poles and on random people lets dance at the same club, actually I need to be getting ready now." I look at my phone and see that its already 8:30. We both got up from the couch and entered our rooms to get ready.

I grabbed my bag first, placed it on the counter by the front door and then went to Uraraka's room. I knocked on the door and she lets me in.

"Hey Izuku can you help me find 2 outfits please I don't know what I want to wear." I look on her bed she has 3 outfits laid out. The first one on the far left is a bright pink body suit that cuts down in the shape of a V, stopping right after her belly button. The back is the same way with fish net stockings and a pair of all pink high heels. The next outfit is a black and red stripped tube top and shorts to match. Black sheer tights and bright red heels. The final outfit was a one piece strapless lime green romper with matching fish net tights and gloves. I decided on the lime green and pink outfits only because I know she would look amazing in them. She packs up her bag and we both head out the door to the club that she got hired at, only because I wanted her to be comfortable and I wouldn't have to keep a close eye out giving me more room to make money.

*Authors P.O.V.* (Only So I Can Describe The Club)

Kirishima and Katsuki finally made it to the club that Kirishima picked out. This one is a little bit different than the first one. When you first walk in the bar is on the left hand side with two stripper poles on both ends of the counter tops. Then in the middle of the club you have the runways that lead to one in the shape of a U. Each runway has one pole and there are two poles on the parts where the runways meet. You can sit or stand along the sides of the runways. Then there are the normal chairs and tables around the club as well as a little dance floor.

*Katsuki P.O.V.*

We decided to sit at the bar, I'm surveying the area to see if I find the stripper from the other club. Kirishima caught me searching the club and gave me a confused but curious look. I tried to shrug it off but he's very persistent. He leans in close enough to my ear so I can hear him over the loud music.

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