Chapter 11 (Final Chapter)

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Authors P.O.V.

Soon they both are able to breath normally, they sit up and look at each other. Katsuki's hair is stuck to his face drenched in sweat. He shakes his head getting most of the hair from his forehead. The rest that stayed there he pushed it back with his hand. Deku on the other hand had the most relaxed face ever. Katsuki looks at him a soft look in his eyes. He stared a little to long his eyes traveled down to Deku's dick a blush creeped on his face, he shook it off and started gathering his things.

"I know this might be a terrible time to ask but . . . Whats your name?" Izuku asked rubbing the back of his head.

'This is a joke right?'

Katsuki stared at Deku. A slight blush from embarrassment spread across Deku's face.

"Don't stare at me like that it's just a simple question."

"I told you my name already."

"Wait really? When?"

Katsuki places his hand on his head.

"At the library remember? I know I didn't fuck you that hard and made you forget." Katsuki smirked making Deku's whole face turn bright red.

"Your an asshole."

"Says the person that doesn't remember my name."

"Fine you win just refresh my memory."

"Katsuki Bakugo aka Daddy"

Deku slaps Katsuki's arm and he laughs.

"You set yourself up for that one." Katsuki said still laughing at Deku. His face is redder than a tomato he hides from Katsuki.

'He's acting like he wasn't just moaning that a few minutes ago'  Katsuki thought to himself smirking.

"Why are you smirking Kacchan?" Deku asked looking for his shorts. Katsuki snapped back from his thoughts at the nickname.

"Kacchan?! Who the fuck is that?" Kasuki asked with a questionable expression on his face.

"That's you silly I gave you a name thats easier for me to remember and only I can call you."

"Whatever nerd." Katsuki blushes slightly. He looks at his watch to check the time, its 3:00 the club has been close for a full hour now.


"Ummm Deku we gotta go its 3 and the club is way beyond close by now." Katsuki added grabbing his keys and jacket.

"Yea about that. . . . you ripped my shorts remember." Deku stated looking away from Katsuki a slight blush on his face.

"Shit I'm sorry kinda got carried away, here put this on until we get your clothes from your dressing room." Katsuki throws his jacket at Deku and he wraps the article of clothing around his waist. They both walk out to find Deku's dressing room.

The club is pitch black Katsuki and Deku sneak around trying to find his dressing room. Katsuki takes out his phone and uses the flash to help make the search easier. The club looks way bigger than it did before now that its empty. Deku tries his best to remember how to get to his dressing room from the private rooms in the dark.

They got lost for about 10 minutes, I mean the club isn't that big. But being that it is dark their mission is way harder then they thought.

They finally made it to the room and Izuku finds his bag and starts getting dressed. Happy that he is no longer naked he throws his bag over his shoulder. They both sneak out the building hoping to not set off the alarm or anything like that. They made it outside to the back of the club.

"So what's the next move, we riding separate or together you pick." Katsuki stated facing Deku.

"We can catch a ride together since we are heading to the same place" Izuku said. Katsuki nodded and called an Uber for both of them.

The ride back was quite awkward but they both just scrolled through social media on their phone until they arrived. Deku would look at Katsuki ever so often until he was caught in the act. He looks away blushing madly. Katsuki smirks and looks out the window.

Outside their dorms the sun can been seen trying to make its grand entrance into the sky through the side of the building. They both enter their dorm and made it to the elevator. Izuku immediately blushed remembering the events from the elevator when Katsuki walked in drunk. Katsuki noticed the blush and smirked again at him.

'He's so fucking adorable'  Katsuki thought to himself.

They made it to Izuku's floor.

"Well I guess this is good bye not sure if ill see you again after this, and don't worry I wont tell anyone about what happened or anything." Izuku said rubbing the back of his neck, he had a sad expression on his face.

"Listen we can figure out the other stuff later just take my number down." Katsuki added stopping the elevator door from closing with his foot. 

"Ok." Izuku passed Katsuki his phone and he saves his number.


Izuku looks at the new contact in his phone and his heart melts. A small sincere smile on his face as he puts his phone back in his pocket. He waves to Katsuki one more time before turning around and walking to his dorm. Katsuki winks at Deku then backs up removing his foot from the elevator entrance so the doors can shut. His phone vibrates, he takes it out his pocket to read the message.

"Maybe we should try this again sometime, I wouldn't mind being your personal dancer."

'Hn' Katsuki smiled saving Izuku's number in his phone.

'Deku 👅💦💚'

"Well when you put it like that who am I to refuse." Katsuki replied back.

The elevator ding brought Katsuki back to his realty. He walks out the elevator and makes his way to his room.

"Well it's decided then I, Izuku Midoryia aka Deku am now your personal exotic dancer how does that sound?"

"Sounds like we are going to have a hell of a lot of fun can't wait."
So I Think I Wanna Make A Sequel To This But Not Sure What Type Of Direction To Go. Any Suggestions ??????? Maybe I Should Throw Todo In And Make It A 3 Way. I Really Like That Idea Actually. I'm Open To Suggestions So Let Me Kno Watchu Guys Think. Thank You Guys Again Sooooo Much For Reading! ^___^

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