Chapter 9

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*Authors P.O.V.*

Katsuki makes his way back to his seat after enjoying the show. Deku's performance replaying in his head. The shots are already taking effect causing his member to grow even more with every thought. Still stuck in his fantasy world that he wishes never ends, he sees Kirishima walking over to him.

"Was that the person you were looking for? Man he has skills!" Kirishima says as he takes a seat right next to Katsuki.

"Hn" was all Katsuki could manage still replaying the events in his head.

A few girls walked up to Katsuki and Kirishima. One girl offered Katsuki a dance which he declined. The rest started touching and feeling on Kirishima. He sat here enjoying the little show face bright like a tomato. Soon the girls get up and grab Kirishima taking him with them to do finish their 'show' in private. Katsuki didn't show any interest in where Kirishima was heading all he had on his mind was Deku. Speaking of the devil, Katsuki spotted Deku making his way to his table.

Katsuki sits there staring at Deku as he walks up to him still dressed in his stripper outfit. Katsuki froze for a quick second but regained his composure when Deku stood in front of him. Deku leans over to Katsuki's ear so he can hear him over the loud music.

"How about we move this little party to some where private?" Deku asked in a soft yet sexy tone. He runs his hand down Katsuki's chest to his groin area running his hand over his member. He noticed the slight bulge in Katsuki's pants and can tell from his eye lids he had a few too many.

Katsuki didn't even respond to the touch, he stood up as if on command and followed Deku. His mind still fuzzy but he didn't care he was just happy to finally get Deku to himself.

Katsuki watched Deku's ass switch with every step, so mesmerized he couldn't look away. The walk felt like forever to Katsuki but that was only because he was 6 shots and 1 drink into this very eventful night.

They made it to their destination which happened to be into the private rooms to the right of the stage. They travel all the way to the back into one of the rooms where no one would disturb them.

The room was equipped with a round couch that was against the wall with a pole in front. 2 speakers sat in the top right and left corners of the room. A stereo system that is connected to the speakers sat on the ground close to the door. The door is sound proof so the music cant be herd by other occupants in the other rooms.

Deku slightly nudges Katsuki to sit on the couch like sitting area. Katsuki sits down not taking his eyes off Deku. He sits back getting more comfortable in the couch as Deku walks over to the stereo system.

Katsuki had another drink in his hand that honestly he doesn't even remember ordering. He takes a sip as he watches Deku walk over to the speakers. Deku bends over to start the music on the stereo. Katsuki raises his eyebrow and smirks at the sight in front of him.

Deku starts walking back over to Katsuki not breaking contact with his bright red orbs. He gets on top of Katsuki both legs on either side of him.

"Did you like my little show out there?"Deku asked teasing Katsuki by rubbing his ass on his erection. Katsuki smirks at the question both arms hanging off the top part of the couch not breaking eye contact. The sight sent a chill down Deku's spine.

"How about you give me my own private show, something no one has ever seen before" Katsuki said sitting up now. He fully cuffed Deku's ass with one hand the other still holding his drink. He gives it a hard smack letting Deku know he means business.

"I might have to take you up on your offer, I haven't had enough fun yet." Deku adds before taking a sip of Katsuki's drink. He then climbs off Katsuki climbing onto the pole. Katsuki sits back again taking a sip of his drink, fully relaxing now to enjoy the show. As he climbs the pole the song 'F It Up by Tank' was playing in the background.

Deku decides he going to show off everything he is capable of. He hangs off the pole upside down facing Katsuki. He looks Katsuki in his eyes and gives him a smirk before climbing the pole higher.

He lets the music take over his body as he sways and twirls at the top of the pole. Flipping his self over he spins around the pole. He changes his position hanging on the pole like a flag with his legs wide open. Still spinning he brings his feet to meet the pole together and wraps his arm around the pole for balance to change his position again.

At this point he is already at the middle of the pole so Katsuki doesn't have to tilt his head up to look at him anymore. Katsuki stares at Deku like he's a piece of meat, licking his lips subconsciously wanting to rip Deku's clothes off his body and take him right here and now.

Deku decides to slide down off the pole so he can stand on the ground still holding onto it. He takes another spin around the pole lifting his legs up off the ground holding them wide open still spinning.

He flips again this time he makes sure he lands on Katsuki's lap and starts grinding on Katsuki. Katsuki's couldn't help but place his drink down so he can direct Deku right to where he needs to be. He didn't realize that he is now grinding with Deku, both meeting each other's hips not missing the beat. Deku Turns around and straddles Katsuki's waist in one swift motion.

Deku's moves and beautiful body is now starting to take a toll on Katsuki. His mind clouded with thoughts of what he wants to do to Deku. His eyes keep scanning his figure as he continues to make Katsuki go mentally insane.

Hands around Katsuki's neck, hips still moving slowly to the beat making Katsuki's member throb with excitement begging to be free from his jeans. Deku smiles on the inside knowing he has Katsuki right where he wants him to be. Katsuki pulls Deku closer to him closing the gap between them.

'I need him right now' Katsuki thought to himself as he bites his lip unable to control himself anymore. He flips them over placing Deku on his back on the couch as he hovers over his ripped body. He pressed his lips against Deku's.

Caught of guard by the sudden movement and kiss Deku didn't push him off. His rose lips soft to the touch and slightly moist. He fell into the kiss closing his eyes melting under Katsuki.

"I think you had enough fun for now" Katsuki said breaking the kiss. Deku, not giving Katsuki a second to react pushed him on his back and slammed their lips together once more. Katsuki sat there getting even more turned on by the aggressiveness from Deku.

'This is going to be a fun night' Katsuki thought to himself as he deepens the kiss while smacking and grabbing Deku's ass. Deku lets out a yelp from the slap and a slight moan from the slap while Katsuki smirks under the kiss.

Sooooo Idk How I Wanted To End This Chapter So Here Ya Go Lol. I Think I'm Getting Better With Updates Don't Kill Me Please. Anyway Hope Y'all Enjoyed The Chapter.
Thanks For Reading ^___^

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