**This first chapter will be in Celeste's POV to catch everyone up. From then it'll be from Ember's, their son! I'm so excited to begin the sequel to Goddess of Death!**

The one thing I have come to wish the Gods and Goddesses would create is some kind of cell service that would work when I'm up in Olympus. It would be a little bit better of a warning and less stressful notification I believe than my watch beeping incessantly because Cale has something to tell me regarding our son. That's another thing, our son, Ember, is not the boy I expected he would be. He's like my father and I'm try to do my best to keep him from following down that path... though I know someone will have to take Hades place eventually, but I was hoping it was going to be someone besides my son...

"Celeste," Artemis jerked my attention back towards the meeting we were having.

"Sorry," I sighed, "I just don't know what I'm going to do about that boy."

"You can go ahead and go Celeste," Aphrodite nodded as I got up and left her house. Once a month all the Goddesses got together and discussed things that needed to be done. Call it up-keeping or whatever you want, but it was a pretty important job at times.

I stepped into the portal and immediately landed on the sidewalk as I began walking to my house. I had decided to stay in Alaska, where Cale's fishing business had become more expansive and was one of the top fishing industries now on the west coast. My parents were somewhat impressed about his hard work and were delighted that I had become pregnant with my son fifteen years ago... that seemed so long! Yes it was hard for Gods and Goddesses to produce, but a Goddess and a human? Actually really easy.

We had talked about having another kid, but never really got around to it. Ember was enough as it was, and it had been an interesting conversation when we had to tell him why he was different from the other kids. He was smarter than them and knew more about things that no one would consider, like how the leaves produce the oxygen and "breathe" as he would like to call it.

It had never been an issue with him turning towards the dark side or whatever until this past year. He was constantly getting in trouble now at school for fighting or something. I knew he couldn't help it because he was different and the students made it apparent to him every day, but he needed to learn how to control his emotions better. Guess he got the temper from me and not his dad.

I walked in the house and saw Ember was already on the couch while Cale was standing there with his arms crossed. Every time I saw Cale, I still got butterflies in my stomach. It was amazing the kind of hold this human still continued to have on me that no other God possessed.

"Cale," I brushed his arm gently as he turned around and sighed.

"Hey sweetheart."

"Ember," I began gently as he looked up through his long black hair.

"Mom, I wasn't," he began as usual.

"Honey, I just want to know why you got in trouble. I already know you weren't trying too," I said a bit more firmly. That was the one thing about parenting between Cale and I. He could only tell our son so much before he stopped listening. Since I had more power, literally, Ember had no choice but to listen to what I had to say.

He sighed and brushed his hair out of his charcoal colored eyes. "The kids were saying again how I wasn't from here and that I should go back to where I belong."

"Ember," I sat down gently and wrapped my arms around him. "I know it's annoying that you can't come up with me to Olympus to be trained and to figure out your powers and whatnot. But there is a part of you that is human and wants to thrive here with the other kids. Trust me, you are not the only Demi-God child around."

"In Alaska I am," he groaned and brushed my arm off as he got up and left to go to his room.

I looked at Cale who came over and held me tight against him. This was the agonizing part.

"Cale, I want to help him... and I feel like my powers aren't doing that."

"Baby, you can't always prepare him like what you want too," he stroked my hair tenderly. "He knows you're looking out for him, but he has to find a way to fit in here. Just for a little while, then once he finds out what he's capable of, it'll get easier. He's just a boy who just hasn't grasped everything yet."

"Like how I was," I sighed again and shook my head. "I think I'm going to contact Kagan later and ask him what he thinks. I know Ember has found interest in Hades and I'm trying to avoid that at all costs, especially with what's going on right now."

"I know love, but whatever happens... we can't really prevent it. You know that," he kissed my forehead and stood up. "I have to get back to work, and I know you do as well."

"I can go later this evening," I smiled and stood up as well, "I'll start on dinner or something. Has Nanuk been fed today?"

"No but I'm sure Ember will end up feeding her," Cale smiled and kissed me one last time before heading back out towards the harbor.

"Nanuk!" I called and heard the thundering steps of our little Samoy bounding into the room.

Akira had died when Ember was around ten and we hadn't had the time to get another dog until now. Cale had been heartbroken but we found Nanuk, meaning polar bear, at a shelter and she was as white and as furry as one. Granted she is only four, but she could pass for the size of a miniature polar bear any day.

"Hi baby," I cooed and laid down some dogfood for her while petting her white fluffy fur. "You'll need a bath later today," I held my breath as she smelled like rotting fish. "Did Cale take you out to the sea again?"

She just looked up at me with her blue eyes that seemed to say, 'think what you want lady. You're the mind reader aren't you? Just read my mind!'

"Go get Ember," I pushed her gently as she bounded back up the stairs barking to get his attention.

I leaned against the kitchen counter and just shut my eyes for a few seconds. After I talk to Kagan tonight, I should surely have some more answers on how to go about raising my teenager.

**So here's the intro to God of Darkness! Seems like I caught everything up so far, but I can't wait to begin this story!! Hope to hear your thoughts :-) as always, your input is greatly appreciated! P.S. like the cover?**

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