Part 6

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Song: 'West Coast' by Imagine Dragons

Ellie POV

"Hello?" I call as I walk into my apartment. I suddenly see my dad holding his phone up giving me a really stern look.

"Hey Dad! What's up?" I laugh awkwardly.

"Ellie, enough crap. We need to discuss this" he says angrily. I just stand there in silence. I don't dare talk back. He takes a deep breath.

"Why the hell did you go out into the open like that?! All of America knows who you are! It's even trending online! How could you let this happen?!" He shouts.

All I can manage is to mumble "I didn't mean it".

"Ellie, the suit was for your protection, nothing else. What are you trying to do?! You know I got in enough trouble for having that suit made, and now with this, I could get dismissed! What were you thinking?!" He rants. I can't hold back anymore.

"I know you can get dismissed! I know cos you've told me a million freaking times! But how do you expect me to just give Shadow up after doing those missions with the military?! I can't! People need saving, just like Mom needed saving, but no one cares about them, even the Avengers. So you want to know what I'm trying to do Dad?! I'm trying to look out for those who have nobody to look out for them! It's what Mom would have wanted!" I yell, tears streaming down my cheeks.

He looks taken aback. But what he says next really breaks me. "Ellie it's gone too far. There's a reason we stopped you doing those missions, and it was purely for your safety. But with you acting out like this, I have no other choice but to take the suit back".

My legs turn to jelly and I start to feel light headed. "No! You can't do that! It's a part of me!" I cry.

"If its a part of you, you should have thought about learning to control it" he says quietly.

That's when I run to my room and slam the door. I quickly change into my suit and jump out of the window onto a building. I keep going and I don't stop. I'm out of breath but I don't care. Anything to just get away.

Peter POV

I never actually thought about tough Ellie has it. She's lost her mom and she doesn't always have her dad, and with all the moving around she does, it must be exhausting. I'm glad I get to be that friend she needs to rant to. She needs one of those right now.

I decide to suit up and head out for a while, since I have nothing to do, and May won't be back for a few hours.

I go from building to building, examining all the streets as I go along. Something catches my eye, on the roof of a building. It's Shadow? What is she doing?

I web my way over, but lose concentration and end up landing flat on my face behind where she's sitting. God this is embarrassing. If I couldn't seem as more of a clumsy child.

I quickly pick myself up and make my way over to her. "Hey!" I say cheerfully.

"Listen, I don't want company so can you piss off?" She says angrily.

"Well hello to you too!" I reply. I step towards her, but slowly so she doesn't lose her temper and kick my ass.

"Clearly you didn't hear what I just said" she mutters. She turns to face me. I shrug.

"Yeah I think the height of this building is affecting my hearing" I say. She doesn't respond, which is odd. Usually she has a smart comeback for everything. There must be something wrong.

"Why are you so quiet?" I ask her.

"Why are you pestering me?!" She says, getting irritated.

"I'm an insect. It's what I do" I reply, sitting at the edge of the building beside her, but not close cos I know she'll push me off.

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