Part 9

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Song: 'Cool Out' by Imagine Dragons

Peter POV

I quickly pull apart from Ellie before the door opens. It's Ned. "Hey guys!" He smiles. I smile tightly at him, but Ellie is still staring at me in shock. I instantly regret what I've done.

"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost" Ned laughs at Ellie. Ellie gulps loudly, still staring at me. Her mouth starts to move, but no words are coming out.

This makes me feel terrible. It was so wrong of me to kiss her, when I'm not even sure myself of what I'm doing.

"Uh.......I.....gotta......uh....I gotta go" she stutters as she leaves the room. I go after her, and grab her hand.

"Ellie I'm sorry" I say quietly.

"It's fine......uh...I'll see you in school" she says quickly before rushing out of the apartment and closing the door behind her.

"Peter, is she okay?" May asks worriedly.

"She doesn't feel well" I say.

"Does she need help?!" May asks me.

"No! No! May, it's just a headache. She's fine" I reassure her. She nods, still a little uneasy.

I walk back into my room,and Ned looks totally confused. "What's up with her?" Ned asks.

"She said she didn't feel well" I shrug.

"Hmm" Ned says, looking at me suspiciously. "Peter?" He asks.

"Uh...yeah?" I reply. Please God he didn't catch on.

"I get a very weird vibe off her. It's like she's hiding something. I mean she hardly ever talks about her personal life" Ned says. I haven't put much thought to it really.

I just can't stop thinking about her face. She looked so shocked and confused. She probably hates me now. I shouldn't have kissed her, especially since I like Shadow too.

What if her dad finds out? Then I'll probably be hunted down. I'm gonna have to explain myself, and let her know that I realize it was wrong of me to do what I did.

"Peter? Hello?". I snap out of my thoughts and look at Ned.

"Oh know I haven't given it much thought to be honest Ned. She's probably just nervous. It's her first week after all" I say.

"I don't know. It's just strange" Ned shrugs.

Ellie POV

I run. I run out of there so fast I could start flying at any moment. I don't know why I reacted like that. I wasn't expecting it at all. Does that mean he likes me?! Like, LIKE me?!
Why am I such an awkward mess?!

I can't believe I just left him there. But, why did he kiss me? I need time to process everything. Just by myself.

My phone buzzes. I peer at the screen and see Peter's name come up. I go to answer, but a wave of anxiety hits me and I press the decline button. I can't talk to him right now, after ditching him like that.

God, he probably thinks I'm so rude. And May and Ned probably think I'm a freak. I start to feel incredibly guilty and embarrassed. I'll call him later, once I've thought about everything.

I don't know why I feel so nervous. I mean, my dream guy has kissed me, but I guess it took me by surprise, since it was him that kissed me, not the other way round. I wasn't planning on kissing him, but I was gonna tell him how I felt.

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