Part 8

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Song: 'Gorgeous' by X Ambassadors

Ellie POV

I wake up at the crack of dawn cos I'm too excited for today. I jump up out of bed and start playing music to keep my spirits lifted. My dad was on night duty last night, and he isn't back yet so I won't disturb anyone.

I put on a full performance dancing around, which leaves me kinda out of breath. I stop for a moment and look at myself in the full length mirror in the corner of my room.

I see I've got a bruise on my face from yesterday. Crap. If my dad sees it, he'll go mental. I desperately try to cake makeup over it, but the purpleness still comes through, which is not good.

"Hello? I'm home!". Oh no. He's back.

"Uh.....Hi!" I call, running around my room to find a way to cover it, but it's too late. He walks into the room smiling and opens his arms to hug me, but his smile soon turns into a frown.

"What happened to you?!" He exclaims, starting to panic.

"Dad it's fine. I got hit in the face by accident in gym yesterday" I say, praying he'll believe me. He doesn't look impressed.

"You don't have gym on Fridays" he says. He puts his hand on my face and examines it.

"Listen it's nothing" I sigh. He shakes his head vigorously.

"You have a bruise on your face! How is that nothing?! Who did it to you?!" He demands.

"Telling the complete truth, I don't know. I don't know who any of them were" I shrug. He looks even more worried.

"Them?!" There was a group of people?! This is my fault" he says sorrowfully.

"What?! No it's not! They were just thugs, it's not a big deal!" I argue. I know they were more than thugs, but he doesn't need to know that.

"No, it is my fault. If I didn't take your suit, you would've been able to protect yourself. I should've trusted you. I'm sorry" he says sheepishly, rubbing my cheek with his hand.

"You don't need to apologize" I say kindly.

"This had to happen at the perfect time" he mutters sarcastically.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I say confused. He looks at me guiltily.

"I was asked to go away for the next two weeks to work on some projects at work, but I can't leave you like this. It's not fair" he says. I shake my head in disagreement.

"Dad, I'll be okay. I have my friends and the neighbors to look out for me" I smile.

He nods slightly. "I promise I will never take your suit again. Well, unless there's a serious problem" he replies. I hug him tightly, but deep inside, I'm doing my happy dance. I've got Shadow back!

"Thank you Dad. I won't betray your trust again" I assure him. He smiles at me.

"So, what do you want for breakfast?". I think for a moment. "Ugh, I'd kill for pancakes right now" I moan. He laughs at me.

"Well let's go make some!". I grin at him to show my appreciation.

(A few hours later)

I've spent two hours trying to pick something to wear and I'm failing miserably. Do I go cute or casual? I don't want to seem I'm making too much of an effort, but I want to look like I kinda did in a way. He only said "hang out" so I'm guessing I should go with casual.

Once I'm changed, I walk into the living room and see my dad sitting down. He looks me up and down and smiles. "Have you got plans or something?" He smirks.

"Kinda" I say.

"Is it that Peter boy?" He says winking at me. I blush profusely. How did he guess so quick?!

"Don't worry, I won't say anything" he laughs. Ugh, this is weird.

"I can't believe we're actually having this conversation" I mutter.

"Okay I'll drop it" he says raising his hands.

"Thank you" I nod. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. I start to panic.

"How do I look?" I say, fussing with my hair.

"Like you came out of a swamp" he says seriously. I give him a death stare, and that's when he starts laughing. "You look fine, stop worrying". I take a deep breath and open the door. I see Peter, who smiles but then all of a sudden becomes nervous.

"Uh......Hi...Ellie.....and....Mr...uh" he stutters.

"Hi Peter. It's nice to see you again. Call me John by the way" my dad smiles. Peter nods slightly. God this is awkward.

"Hey let's go!" I say to change the subject as I quickly hurry out the door.

"Okay I'll see you later Ellie. Bring her back in one piece Peter" my dad smiles as he closes the door. I look at Peter, who looks relaxed now. I start laughing.

"You know, just cos he's in the military, doesn't make his a scary monster or anything" I smile.

"I know! It's just.......he's so tall and....I don't know....I...." he says awkwardly. I roll my eyes at him. He's such a dork.

"Where's Ned?" I ask him.

"Oh he's meeting us at my place in about half an hour" Peter replies. I nod, but I'm kinda relieved. I get to be with Peter alone, even if it's just for half an hour.

The whole walk to his apartment, we laugh and joke about anything and everything. It's literally the best getting to hang out with him. I'm struggling to bottle my feelings up all the time.

It's like a can of Coke; if you keep it and shake it, more pressure is created, and when it's opened, everything pours out and fizzes everywhere creating a mess, and I don't want that to happen with Peter.

All these thoughts are racing through my head as we climb up the stairs to Peter's apartment. He opens the door where a middle aged woman greets us. She's very pretty. This must be his Aunt May.

"You're Ellie right?" She smiles. I nod smiling. "Well it's very nice to meet you! I'm May" she smiles sweetly.

"It's nice to meet you too!" I reply.

"Well you kids go hang out in Peter's room and I'll let you know when Ned arrives" she says. Peter nods quickly and we make our way to his room. He seems a little on edge. I wonder what's up.

Peter POV

Ever since yesterday, when I saved Ellie from those guys, I've haven't stopped thinking about her. I've been getting these weird feelings towards her. I try to push them away, cos I obviously like Shadow, but I can't seem to do it.

I think she can tell I'm a little nervous cos she keeps looking at me with slight confusion and asks if I'm okay, to which I just nod. I try to avoid her eyes and look at something else, but I end up looking back at her for a split second and then looking away.

This is getting super awkward. Ellie then takes a deep breath and looks at me. "Peter?".

I look at her. "Yeah?".

"There's something I have to say" she says quietly.

My heart starts to race and my throat tightens. What is she talking about? I nod to show I'm listening, but she's making me nervous.

"Listen Peter" she says, "I know we've only met this week and stuff, but I just wanted to say thank you for being there for me and making me feel welcome here. It's been hard getting used to things, but you've made it so much easier. You've been so kind to me and I just wanted to say thanks" she says, smiling softly at me.

"No problem" I reply, smiling back at her.

"But it's just....I don't know. I're a really nice guy and you're smart and-".

I don't know why I do it, but I cut her off and I kiss her. I couldn't help it.

I can tell she's a little taken aback, but she isn't resisting either.

Suddenly, were interrupted when there's a knock on the door.......

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