Chapter 8: Which Way?

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  I run, feet kissing the concrete. Just a couple of hours ago, I would have recoiled at the idea of running from that psycho maniac, now I'm relishing in the freedom. My mind races at the same speed as my feet. I didn't have time to think this all the way through, my emotions took hold and made the decision for me.

I finally make it to the end of the hallway when I notice that Negan isn't chasing after me, he must be on his walkie-talkie calling for someone else to get me because he can't be bothered too. I make my way down the stairs, my heart starting to thump harder than it has in a long time. I reach the bottom and pause for a moment to catch my breath.

Where do I go?

I look up noticing that I have two options. Left or right. I don't know much about the fourth floor being that I mainly spend my time on the first and second floor, only going higher the few times I've been requested by Negan.

Ultimately, I choose to go left, hoping it would lead me to a staircase or a hiding space.


More stairs, my feet quickly travel but before I can get to the bottom, I hear Simon.

"Where are you, Carmen? Give it up now! You won't make it out of here!" it sounds like he's on the other end of the hallway, but he's getting closer.


I turn back around and quietly climb the stairs once more.

"There you are!" I feel heavy arms wrap around my waist pinning me to the wall. "Negan is definitely gonna reward me, for finding you" The man's hot breath in my ear makes me cringe but I know that fighting him would be dumb. He's a 6'5 muscular brute, he could snap me in half. My breathing begins to calm but my heart stays pounding as I'm being restrained. "Why do you work for him, he's a monster!" I scream. He laughs tugging my body off the wall and pulling me down the hallway. "Shut up, girl, you're only going to make things worse for yourself" I trip over my own foot causing me to fall forward. "Get up, I'm not playing these games with you" he grabs my shirt and lifts me. "I'm trying" I grunt in pain as we make our way back to the fifth floor and to Negan's room.

"Welcome back, babe" the smirk on his face is devilish as Lucile hangs to his side. I don't say anything and brush past him, stomping as I go to sit on the couch. "Thanks, Gavin, we'll talk later" he pats him on the shoulder then shuts the door. "Gonna tell me what that was all about?" I look at him, my eyes cold and lifeless. "Oh, So you're not talking to me" he chuckles then abruptly slams the baseball bat on to the coffee table, the fierce impact causing it to shake. "You should be getting the iron for running from me!" the sound of his voice booms through the room. I remain silent but my body trembles at his anger. "You're my wife now, and you will obey me!" My eyes leave him and tears create a stream down my cheek. "P-please l-let me see my husband" I beg him, staring to the ceiling as if I'm praying. He sighs, then lowers his voice to sound less intimidating "what do you mean sweetie, your husband is right here" his feet stop in front me lingering for a moment before sitting down.He gently places a hand on my thigh but I push it off me, trying to contain my sobs. "I mean N-nate,"

"Carmen, I know you're emotional right now but you're gonna have to face the facts. You're mine now" His lips lean in to kiss me, devouring my neck as I attempt to squirm away. "Calm down! I promise I won't hurt you" the frustration building up causes his calloused hands to grip my body even harder. One on my waist and the other on my arm. Fear curls inside me, clinging to my ribs then settling uncomfortably in my chest. I contemplate letting him have his way, not wanting Nate to pay the price for me denying him.

"Are you alright with this, honey?" he stops for a second to ask me but continues trailing his fingers down my shoulders and over my breast. I nod, giving him permission, even though everything inside of me is screaming not to. "I knew you'd come around"

His long drunken tongue licks at my skin as he now lies on top of me, hands working my shorts and panties down my shaking legs. I close my eyes and try to imagine Nate but the ringing of his belt buckle reminds me of the man that's currently present. "Look at me baby" he commands as he fishes his cock from his boxers. I open my eyes, wishing that they were still closed, I don't think I can stomach seeing his face light up with power and lust when he finally achieves what he's been planning ever since I was first brought here. "Here..I..Come.." he says pointing his hardness towards my entrance.

I take a deep breath.

And his hips give one hard thrust, enough to fit his entire length inside me. "You're fucking tight" he moans as he slides in and out of me. "Nate must've not been fucking you, as much as he should have" he chuckles licking his lips in pleasure.

Tiny groans and whines escape me, as I watch his body move in disgust. "Please" I whisper under my breath, not in an effort to stop him but to comfort myself. Negan doesn't hear my plea, the only thing on his mind is getting off. His thrust become more aggressive and controlled. I can feel that he's about to cum. "Be a good girl for me," he croaks before his cock twitches, shooting a huge load deep inside. My face distorts as the uncomfortable feeling spreads but my worn-out body doesn't react. My mind has completely left me, leaving an unfeeling vessel behind.

Soon he sits up, giving me a sense of emptiness as my mind returns to my body. "That was fan-fucking-tastic, darling. I can already tell that this is shaping up to be one beautiful marriage!" He walks over to the other side of the room and picks up his jeans and shirt before coming back over to me, on the couch. He leans over and cups my face in his hands "there's no need to feel guilty, you aren't the first woman to be dick-notized by me" he laughs then kisses me on the forehead. I flash him a fake smile and begin redressing myself, trying to keep up the facade that I'm alright.

Just as I pull the shirt over my head, there's a voice that calls through the door.

"Negan, are you in there?"

I sigh, recognizing the person as Simon.

"Yeah, I'm coming" Negan walks over and opens the door, with only pants on and his chest exposed.

"We got some new-comers, out front. Both men, I think they could be a good edition to the team".

I watch them talk from a distance. We don't get new-comers often, so to Negan it's a big deal but at this moment, I couldn't care less about them, more people only means a more complicated life.

He shuts the door, sending Simon on his way, "Get up, dear, we've got company!"  

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