Chapter 4: Laundry

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  It's been weeks since Nate accepted Negan's deal. He offered us a permanent place in the Sanctuary. The only condition being Nate would have to join the saviors and I would be on laundry duty. I spend most of the day picking up and delivering clothes. The job isn't hard but it gets tiring being on my feet all day.

"Hmm, back already?"

"Yep just came for your laundry"

One upside is that I get to know everyone, and I even made a few friends, one being a woman named Jackie, she works in the kitchen, we bonded over the fact that both of our husbands are saviors.

"I have a few things in the basket" she points to the corner of her small room, that was only furnished with a queen sized bed, a night stand, and a wardrobe.

I nod and walk over to retrieve the clothes, "Any word on when the boys will be back?" I ask pilling up the clothing.

"They should back today, I think" hearing that I'm going to see my husband after a week makes me giddy. "Finally! It's been a struggle sleeping alone every night" I put the basket down and sits next to her on the bed. She looks at me slightly curious "How long have y'all been married?"

"About six months ago we had a priest in our old group that made it official but we've been together for around three years" by this time my cheeks are burning from how hard I'm smiling.

"Well when you've been married for as long as we have, you don't get that same longing for each other" I rest my hand on hers, "I'm sure Simon misses you though"

"Maybe but i doubt it, he's probably sleeping with Laura or Arat" My jaw drops, she can't really believe that he would cheat on her. "He would never do that to you, I know he's not the most affectionate man but that is just the Simon way" I wrap my arms around her trying to comfort and reassure her. "Hopefully you're right Carmen" she gives me a sly smile.

Although I would love to hang out all day, I have to get back to work especially with Negan coming back, I need to make sure all of his laundry is clean, ironed, and folded. I stand from the bed and picks up the basket. "I gotta get goin', I'll see you later" she thanks me for the encouragement and then I leave, headed to my next destination. I'm nervous about knocking because I've never been assigned to this room before. My knuckles lightly tap on the door, "Need any laundry done?" no one answers, but I hear the door knob twist, "Yeah" a man stands in front of me, he looks as if he is in his thirties with a face full of dark beard, and a serious case of 'bed head'. My palms sweat at the sight of him, he gives me strange vibes.

He moves to the side, sticking out his arm, "be my guest" I slowly walk into the room and begin picking up the scattered clothes on the floor, most of them being covered in mud or torn almost to shreds.

"What's your name, I haven't seen you around here"

"Carmen" I say trying to keep my responses short.

"I like that" he looks me up and down. I stand up and as I am about to walk out he grabs my arm causing me to spin back around, "hold on, i just want to talk to you for a bit" This man is easily three times my size, he could be capable of anything. "I guess I have some time to spare" I flash him a forced smile.

"Great!" he pulls me further into the room, and motions for me to sit on his bed. "I'm Opie by the way" he puts his hand out, and I follow his lead, going in for the handshake.

"You must have a boyfriend don't you?" he asks smiling ear to ear.

"No but I have a husband" I correct him, showing off my ring. We sit there in silence for a few moments, I can tell he was hoping I was single.

"Is there anything else you want to talk to me about" I ask looking for a way out of the situation. He hesitates to answers then shakes his head, "That's all"

I get up and walk out without so much as saying bye. Opie has no reaction to my swift exit, he lets me go surprisingly, most men around here are a lot more persistent.  

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