Chapter 27: The Aftermath

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The stench of gun powder creeps into my airways. There hasn't been much activity in the last hour. Only the occasional gunshot here and there. From the sound of things the aggressors we're not able to get inside the building. It's surely a good sign that we came out of this victorious.

"See Dixie I told you everything was gonna be all right" I sit down with him and pat him on the head. He was shaking violently even worse than me. It kept my mind off of things to have to care for him while all of this was going down.

It's been a couple of hours waiting for the conflict to subside. Hours without food, hours without water, hours stuck in this room. I can't wait to be out of here but Negan wouldn't want me to come out until he says so.

Soon later...

"The coast is clear," Negan knocks on the door loudly. I jump up eagerly, the absolute boredom has been killing me not to mention the hours of stress I went through earlier.

"How bad is it?" I ask timidly, fearing that the answer might not be something I'm ready for.

"Only four deaths, but no one you know. I think this was a warning of some sort" he embraces me lovingly and I rest my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat rapidly. This was a close call.

"that's a lot better than I thought it would be, at least it won't be hard to recover," I say trying to see the positive of things. It's sad that anyone had to die but four people aren't a major hit to our community, we can come back strong from this.

"I definitely have my work cut out for me, our defense team needs work. But I don't wanna focus on that right now, it's you and me. "

The steaming hot water of the bath surrounds us, every muscle in my body relaxes from the tenseness of the day. This is one of the best features of our bedroom. The tub is so luxurious like a spa. Negan was the one to come up with the idea of the bath, but I couldn't turn it down. Though He's obviously trying to get something out of this.

"Want me to wash your back?, He asks with a bar of bar soap in his hands.

"Sure, I'll do yours next" I turn around and he slides his hands up and down my body, wiping the rag across my skin. My eyes roll to the back of my head, the sensation of his massage paired with the delicious smell of the lavender soap is enough to fulfill me.

"You know I had a wife before all this, her name is Lucille. She was the inspiration for my bat." He confesses sounding almost sad.

I've heard stories about this before but I wasn't sure how true they were. People in the sanctuary talk and spread rumors but they're not always completely factual.

"I've heard. I'm sorry that you lost her the way you did"

He sighs and continues washing me from behind, "I wasn't good to her, I cheated on her and everything. I don't want to do that with you, Carmen. I do care about you even if that's hard to believe"

I'm not sure how to feel about this and I'm pretty sure it's all over my face. I don't want him to care about me, that makes things more complicated.

I shift uncomfortably in the water, "everyone makes mistakes. I'm sure she knew how much you loved her regardless of the other stuff". I express to him genuinely. It's hard to see him as a loving person but he was probably different before the apocalypse.

"all done," he says as he rinses my back with water.

I turn around and take the rag and soap from his hands so I can return the favor. He exposes his back to me and I give him a rub down.

Whirlwind: A Walking Dead Negan Drama (COMPLETED ✔️) Where stories live. Discover now