Chapter 14: Punishment

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"Negan, stop please!" I scream in hopes that someone will save me.

"Stop fucking moving!" Negan shouts as he tries to wrestle my shorts off of me.

I fight him as much as I can but still, he overpowers me, completely stripping the bottom half of me nude.

Tears continue to rain from the eyes exposing the mixture of fear and embarrassment I feel in this moment.

he's never been like this before. I don't understand what I did to get him this angry.

"Listen up, sweetheart!" he says, with his hand still holding me to the bed from behind.

"It's punishment time" he sadistically chuckles at me, "and I'm gonna take all of my anger out on this beautiful ass of yours"

The sound of Negan taking off his belt, lets me know what exactly he has in store for me.

"I-I'm so sorry, please don't do this to me" I cry to him, shaking in fear.

"No time for that little girl, this is the only way you're gonna learn to respect me" his voice is low and growly like he's enjoying every second of this.

I wiggle one last time, in a pointless attempt to escape his wrath.

"Brace yourself!" he yells, slamming the belt into my skin so hard that the loud smack bounces off the walls.

I scream at the top of my lungs. My legs shake from the pain.

"You will never disrespect me again, understand?" he whips me a second time with even more force.

My scream rings out again, straining my voice to the max, "y-yes, Negan, I understand!"

"Great! Now one last time for good measure!" he hits me another time.

My breathing goes so wild, that my voice can no longer function enough to let out anymore cries.

I stay frozen in place, hearing Negan put his belt back on. "I hope you learned your lesson, I don't want to do this to you again"  his hand grabs on to mine, and he pulls me up.

"Here, put your shorts and panties back on" he hands me my clothes.

I slowly take it from him, my arms still trembling.

He watches me dress for a moment, then starts to speak again, "I'm gonna go get our lunch, so be a good girl until I get back" He walks out the door, leaving me standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

The pain from my backside is still going strong, I can't stop the tears from falling.

What could I have done to deserve this, I know I gave him attitude but that's nothing new. He even once said that he likes that I'm feisty.

I walk over to the couch and slowly lower myself into it, afraid of causing more pain.

I don't have the will to do anything at all except sit down and shut my mouth. Maybe that was his goal in all this, to beat me into submission. He has always come off to me as the type of guy that doesn't want his woman to have a voice or an opinion. Nate is nothing like him, he would never lay a finger on me.

Out of nowhere, I start to cry again. My mind flashes images of when I was happy with my real husband. All I keep repeating to myself is that I have to be strong because that's what Nate would want me to do.

About 20 minutes pass when the door swings open, revealing to me that Negan is back.

"I got spaghetti!" he comes over to me with two warm plates. "it's my goddamn favorite!" he grabs his fork and immediately starts chowing down.

Whirlwind: A Walking Dead Negan Drama (COMPLETED ✔️) Where stories live. Discover now