Chapter 10: Moving In

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  "Simon, would you mind taking these two men to their quarters?" Negan orders his right-hand man now that the meeting is over. "Yes, sir" Simon nods his head and leads them out.

"With that out the way, let's go move your stuff in" Negan smirks and takes my hand.


When we enter, me and Nate's room, I feel a sense of both happiness and sadness. Happiness because of all the memories we've made in here and sadness because I know that this could be the last time I get to come here.

"Where was this taken at?" Negan picks up the picture frame on the nightstand. "In our old community, before they turned on us" I sigh and sit on the bed. Negan tosses it in the moving box then sits next to me. "Now that I think of it, you never told me the full story with that. What happened?" I take a deep breath and mentally prepare myself to relieve the trauma of my past. "The place is called 'Olympia', I ran across them a couple of years ago, before then I was on my own"
"Didn't have any family?" he asks in a soft tone. "I was the only child, to a single dad. My mom died in a car crash. And my dad died not long after the walkers took over"
"Damn, baby girl, you were dealt one shitty deck!"

I nervously chuckle "yeah, but things got better after Nate found me and brought me to his people. Being in Olympia was the first time I ever felt like I had a family since my moms passing."

"Then what made them turn on you?"

Before answering him, I pause, deciding on whether I want to be so vulnerable him. I should just tell him the truth, being that what happened is what led me to my first encounter with the saviors.
"Nate killed a guy that was trying to rape me"
"And they kicked, you two out for that!"

"Yeah, Derrick, the guy he killed, was our best fighter and scavenger I guess people felt that the punishment didn't match the crime."
"Damn, what a bunch of assholes. Any community that allows rape should be wiped off the map." Negan feels up my arm, his fingers sending shivers up my spine. "And the worst part is that I was mad at Nate, for all of this. It took a while for me to come to my senses".

A knock on the door brings my mind back to my body before I completely give in to his act of sympathy. "Hey, Carmen, Can we talk?" Jackie says through the door. Her voice is shaky and filled with worry.
"Can I have a moment?" I ask Negan. "Sure, I'll be in our room when you're done" He stands and picks up one of the boxes. "See you, ladies, later!" He says as he opens the door and passes Jackie.
She waits until he's down the hallway and closes the door, "what's going on, I heard Nate is being reprimanded?"

"It's n-nothing, he's just-"
"Carmen, tell me the truth" she interrupts me and gives me the side eye. That's one thing she was always good at, she can read anyone like a book. "Negan wants me to be his wife" I admit to her in barely over a whisper. "Are you kidding me! I've never noticed that Negan liked you in that way"

"I didn't notice it either, but I don't really have a choice" my voice is unsteady as I explain to her. The feeling of shame and embarrassment takes over me. "Wow, I'm really sorry Hun" she opens her arms and embraces me in a hug. "It's going to be alright, I can talk to Simon, maybe he can help"

"no, he can't, what Negan wants Negan gets, we all know this" I bury my face into my hands. Jackie places her hand onto my back in an attempt to soothe me. "I know you probably don't want to hear this right now but Negan is a good man, I know that he could never compare to Nate, but he will take care of you"

"If by 'good man' you mean crazy psycho lunatic, then I guess you're right. I would never want to leave Nate but I know it's what's best for both of us"
"Don't worry it will all be worth it in the end. I just I want you to be safe" I lift my head and look her in her eyes, I can see her sincerity. She gives me hope that maybe I can somehow work this all out, that maybe if I just play the game I can somehow get back to Nate and live happily ever after.

For the next half-hour, we discuss the tough matters of the heart, it was finally a chance for me to get things off my chest. It is also a reality check to how lucky I am to have met someone like Jackie without her I would have gone crazy by now.

"Well, you should get back to Negan now. You know how he gets" she stands up and walks towards the door before she opens it she turns around and looks back at me "good luck" she shuts the door leaving me by myself. Having this talk with her was what I needed to lift my spirits. I stand up confidently and pack up the rest of my things. Although my heart is still heavy with Nate on my mind, I know what needs to be done.

I began my journey back to Negan's room, carrying a large box in my strained arms. My knuckles bang against the rough wood as I knock on the door. Negan answers with his typical smile and a drink in his hand, "took you long enough"

"Sorry" I sarcastically retort and brush past him, placing the heavy box onto the floor. "Where do you want me to put everything?"

"Anywhere you want, make yourself at home sweetheart" I walk over to the couch and sit down, Negan follows and sits directly beside me. "So what are the rules?" I ask him taking him by surprise. "Well, hold on there honey what makes you think I have rules". He puts his drink down and stares at me intensely. "Cause I know you, there's always rules" he pauses for a few seconds then takes another swig of his drink. "Well you got me there Carmen, There are a few rules that I want you to follow". I nod in agreement.

"First being that anytime you leave this room you must ask me first". He can't seriously expect me to be alright with being treated like a child? "Second, you don't talk back or question why I run things the way I do" hearing all of this makes me want to throw up, I've always known that he was arrogant but now I'm finally starting to see why so many people here don't enjoy his presence. "So you want me to be a Mindless servant?" I roll my eyes and pout my lips. I know this probably isn't the smartest move considering that I'm now trying to play the game but at the same time I still can't fight that part of me that wants this to all be over. "Servant, no but wife? Yes" his eyes now gaze on to me in a different manner.

"Anyways, the final and most important rule is that you will respect me at all times but especially in front of my men". If there is anything that Negan still loves in this world, it's his saviors not any of them individually but the concept of them.

"Fine. but you have to promise that after you let Nate out the cell, you'll leave him alone." His smile grows bigger and he leans in and kisses me on the cheek. "I knew I made the right choice in marrying you."

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