Chapter 15: Only A Matter Of Time

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The next morning...

You were such a good girl last night" Negan whispers into my ear, as he cuddles me from behind.

I feel so dirty.

This isn't the first time I've had sex with Negan but it felt worse than it did last time. My view of him has never been great but since he's "punished" me, I can barely stomach the thought of him.

"I have shit to handle with Hilltop today but you don't have to go this time, baby" his beard stumble tickles my neck softly.

"Do I still have to do laundry?" I ask curiously.

"Hell no! I won't have my wife doing dirty work. That was your old life, you don't have to do shit anymore"

This should be good new but sitting around all day isn't really my idea of fun, "but I'll get bored"

"Then figure out a way to entertain yourself. As long as it doesn't involve Nate, I don't care"

"I thought you said I could see him if I'm good" I groan, expressing my displeasure.

"No, honey" he deeply chuckles, "I said I would let you see him as a reward"

He then grabs my face in his hand, "and let's get this clear, you don't get rewarded every time you're good. You get rewarded when I feel like you've done something to earn it"

He stares into my eyes, sending shivers up my spine.

"Now, let's go take a shower"

After breakfast, I decide to wander the Sanctuary, looking for something I can do to be helpful.

"Hey, Simon, " I notice him standing outside of Dr.Carson's office, "You didn't go with Negan?"

"Nope, he wanted me to stay behind and make sure everyone stays in order, " he says to me, leaning against the wall.

"Oh, did he mention anything thing about me?" I ask him, lifting my eyebrow. Simon is his right-hand man, he goes with the Saviors everywhere. Seems kinda like his true mission might be to keep an eye on me.

"Not really, but since we're already talking, there is something I've been meaning to ask you about"


"Yesterday at the meeting you weren't acting like yourself, don't get me wrong I know you're not happy about being Negan's wife but it seemed like it was something else bothering you"

"Nothing I just-"

"Don't lie to me" he says sternly.

"Fine, Negan and I got into a fight" I throw my arms up into the air, surrendering the truth to him.


I roll my eyes. I don't really want to give details, "he said that I'm not respectful enough to him"

"Yeah, I see that" he lightly chuckles.

"Seriously Simon, what the fuck! You agree with him?"

"No, Carmen, you need to relax" he continues to laugh.

"Whatever, you try being forced to sleep with him at night" I yell as I briskly walk down the hallway.

This is complete shit. I can't believe people expect me to be alright with this situation. Negan has ruined my life in as little as a couple of days and I'm supposed to be grateful for it?

I don't care about what anyone has to say anymore, I'm doing what I want to do.

Angrily stomping my way through the Sanctuary I finally make it to the cells. I have to talk to Nate right now or I feel like I'm going to go crazy.

Whirlwind: A Walking Dead Negan Drama (COMPLETED ✔️) Where stories live. Discover now