Chapter 19: Persuading Him

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"He didn't hurt you after I left, did he?" I ask her, holding an ice bag to her eye.

"No, he stormed out," she says on the verge of tears. I can tell that she's probably worried that Simon won't love her after this but I know he never loved her to begin with. The only thing he loves is power.

"Good, I was concerned. He was so pissed at me I thought he might've taken it out on you". It's a relief that things didn't get more out of control than it already has.

"Carmen I don't know if I can do this anymore. I hate living in fear every day. I'm trapped, I should have never gotten involved with him" she trembles with the look of pure terror in her eyes.

Her sentiments make my stomach turn, however, all I can do now is embrace her."You're not trapped"

"Yes I am, Simon is even worse than Negan. When he doesn't get what he wants he takes drastic measures. He would kill me if I said I wanted to leave him"

She's right. He's a new breed of evil, but I have to keep my poker face on. It doesn't help her to feed into the negativity, "I don't think Negan would let him do that, I know he hasn't intervened yet but there still rules that even Simon has to follow"

"You don't get it! my situation is not like yours", she pushes me away. "You're special to Negan, he won't hurt you that bad but Simon isn't that way."

"Jackie, I know it's not the same but listen to me. You can't lose hope. There is a way out of this" I take her hands into mine, a risky move since I don't want to come off as being overbearing

She breathes in and out deeply with closed eyes, "you're right there is a way out of this...."

Thank god, she's starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. "Yes! that's the attitude to have. Be strong and soon this will all be over"

She gives me a half-smile, then politely askes me to give her some space. Today's been a lot for her, presumably, she wants some time to process everything alone.

Before I leave I give her a big hug and tell her that everything's going to work out in the end.


"Finally you're back, I thought I was gonna have to go looking for you" Negan speaks to me that moment I walk into the room.

I stop and stare at him lying in the bed with only his boxers on. I can't believe he thinks I would be in the mood only a couple hours after my ankle injury. 

"Not now, please" I whine, wishing that he'll be understanding.

"Why not? I know you're not feeling the best but that doesn't mean we can't still have fun." He stands up from the bed and strolls towards me with a seductive look on his face. "come on baby, all you'll have to do is lay back and enjoy yourself"

"How can I enjoy myself, after all, that's happened"

"What do you mean?" he massages my shoulders from behind. "I hope you're not talking about Nate cause honey that would be a mistake"

"No, it's not about that. it's about Jackie. I know you said that it's not our business but I really do think that you should help her out. She's really depressed as of lately" I try to persuade him into action.

He kisses down my neck roughly, "Fine, if I promise to talk to Simon will you let daddy have his fun with you?"

Ugh, sex is the only thing on his mind. He's great at ignoring what I actually have to say when he gets like this.

"You have to really promise" I give into him reluctantly. I'd rather avoid sex with him as much as possible but this is the only way to get through to him.

"I promise right after I'm done with you, I'll have a little chat with him about Jackie but what I can't promise is that he's gonna change his ways"

I feel a little sparkle of hope, "thanks, it really means a lot to me," I say as I lift my shirt over my head to reveal my bare breast underneath.

"Shit, my cock twitches every time I see 
those tits" he pulls me into the bed with him and straddles me

I let out a slight moan as his fingers massage my nipples as his hands rub me down so well that I begin to feel wetness in my panties.

"You want me to suck them?" he breathes into my ear and I nod my head eagerly. An even louder moan escapes my lips when his tongue licks and devours my skin

"Baby girl, all those cute little whimpers are gonna make me lose my goddamn mind" he growls and slips one hand down my stomach and over my underwear.

"You're fucking wetter than I thought. That sweet hole must be dying for a good fucking"

My mind swirls wildly, everything he's doing to me feels so good but I know I shouldn't feel this way. Despite the fact that he's a monster that has destroyed my entire life, I can't lie to myself. His touch drives me crazy.

"oh fuck" I squirm while he rubs my clit almost to the point of orgasm.

"Don't cum yet babe" He takes his hands off of me and pulls his boxers down. "I want you to cream with me inside of you"

And with one thrust his entire length enters me. My legs shake at the sensation of me being filled.

"harder, fuck me harder" I breathlessly tell him under my breath. He looks down at me as his body shifts back-and-forth, he's enjoying every second of this.

"Your wish is my command princess"

He starts to thrust so violently the headboard knocks against the wall. The feeling of ecstasy builds up and all I wanna do is release but I don't want this to be over yet so I grab Negan by the shoulders and flip him onto his back to get on top.

I completely disregard my injured ankle and bounce up and down.

"damn, you must be really horny. I fucking love this side of you baby" he squeezes my waist, pulling me deeper.

Our moans grow louder as I'm about to climax, "I'm gonna cum" I breathlessly scream out.

"baby let me feel you tighten around me" he pounds me harder and my body beings to convulse.

This is the best I've felt in a long time. He's undeniably great at this.

The feeling of being filled makes me give in. I grip on to his shoulders and swirl my hips against him one final time before we both explode.

Whirlwind: A Walking Dead Negan Drama (COMPLETED ✔️) Where stories live. Discover now