Chapter 1 Strange introductions

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This follows the anime episodes. Enjoy!


Death City; the central location in the entire world where people known as Meisters and weapons alike come to learn how to fight evil beings called Kishin's; souls who have been corrupted by madness.

In the next town over, reports of people caught in the night had been found the next morning dead. Their souls, ripped out. When the missing began piling up on the police, they called for help. And help they received. Two young hunters, teenagers really, had answered their prayers and were sent to deal with the beast. As the young teen dashed across the rooftops like a shadow, her gray-green eyes were darting around at the area around her. She could sense a damaged soul somewhere in the vicinity, as well as the terrified souls of normal humans.

And there was something else as well...or perhaps someone.

Another, more powerful soul was also near, two others in close harmony with it, and there was... something about them that made her feel slightly more at ease. Turning to her companion, she motioned for them to follow the souls that she sensed were near an old abandoned church.


The church itself was still in good condition in some places while most of it was falling apart. It saddened her to see such a magnificent structure go to waste. That's when she started hearing sounds of gunshots and other sounds of fighting.

Looking around the side of a wall, she saw a monstrosity of a former human, and there was a boy about her age shooting it... Holding the guns upside down. She didn't know how that worked, but she decided to not question it, and hang back unless it was apparent that the boy would need help. The three white stripes on the left side of his hair were pretty interesting, though...

Suddenly, she saw that he was now staring at the rubble around them, and he started acting... strange.

"NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!! This is all wrong! Why is that column over there?! And that statue! It is 60 degrees too far to the left, which is completely wrong with the other side!!!!"

Ok. So the kid had some serious OCD issues. She guessed everyone had their little 'quirks', but this was downright disturbing.

Suddenly the monster made a sudden charge at the kid, forcing her to come out of hiding. Couldn't let a kid get killed by a monster like that!

"Poppy, weapon form, now!" she ordered, and her redhead friend transformed into a one-bladed kusarigama in a flash of gold light, as she shouted, "HEY! UGLY!!!"

The monster turned towards her, mouth dripping with red saliva that she noticed was dissolving the ground beneath it, and she smirked at it behind her black mask that was over her mouth. Then, she said two, simple words.

"Soul Song."

Letting her soul energy let out a pulse, her eyes glowed bright blue and she started to sing! "Well you're a real tough cookie with a long history, of breaking little hearts like the one in me!"

The blue soul energy was swirling around her like flying daggers, the kusarigama in her hands also pulsing with the soul wavelength that she was sending through the air and her weapon partner, raising their power exponentially!

"That's okay, let's see how you do it! Put up your dukes, let's get down to it!" she spun the kusarigama into the air, creating a small whirlwind of chains and soul resonance around herself, and then launched the bladed chain straight at the Kishin soul in front of her! "Hit me with your best shot! Why don't you hit me with your best shot? Hit me with your best shot! Fire away!!!"

As the last line came from her mouth, the blade sliced one of the Kishin's arms off, and continued through it's torso, causing it to dissolve into black matter that soon vanished, leaving behind only the red, damaged soul of the Kishin Egg. The girl allowed her partner to return to human form, and Poppy quickly devoured the damaged soul, smiling with satisfaction when she finished.

Hearing the sound of clapping, she turned around to where it was coming from. The boy was still standing like he had before and there were now two girls on either side of him; one tall with long hair and the other with shorter hair, both wearing similar cowgirl-like outfits.

"That was really impressive what you did there. Are you a student at DWMA? I haven't seen you before." said the boy.

Shaking her head, she said, "I've never heard of that place before. I was just walking by and did what anyone would do to help someone in need. And you sure looked like you needed it."

The boy looked shocked as she said this. "How is that possible? Everyone has heard of it. It is a school that teaches Meisters and Weapons how to keep the evil Kishin forces at bay, and was created by Lord Death himself."

"I've never lived in one place for very long my whole life. Sorry. Sounds interesting though."

"What brought you to this place then?" asked the taller girl behind him.

"Me and my friend here are looking for someone of interest. That's why we've been moving from place to place a lot."

The boy then took on an interested look on his face and acted like he thought about what she had said.

"Then you should come back with us. I'm sure you would really like it. And who knows; maybe you might find who you're looking for."

"Thanks. I think I'll take you up on your offer. Me and my friend are in need of a little break."

For the second time since she saw the boy, he suddenly froze as if noticing something. That's when it hit her. Literally.

"Your hair. Face. Clothes. They are................. PERFECTLY SYMMETRICAL!!!!!! Even the strands of your hair are even with the other side!!!! Oh how wonderful symmetry is!!!!!!!!!!"

She couldn't help but notice out of the corner of her eye how his two weapons were reacting to their Meister's actions in a different manner. The elder girl was holding the bridge of her nose as if dealing with an oncoming migraine while the younger simply laughed childishly.

As sudden as his moment of weakness had come, remembering his manners, he quickly bowed then to her.... Which was a perfect 90 degree angle. Was this guy really that obsessed with perfection?

"I'm sorry! I've been talking to you for a while, and we haven't properly introduced each other! My name is Death the Kid, and these are my two weapons, Liz and Patty. What's your name?

"My name is Lorranna, and this is my weapon partner, Poppy. It's very nice to meet you, Death the Kid."

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