Chapter 10 A Stein's furious wrath! Almost death

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Lorranna's last words were echoing in his head, playing them over and over as Stein's anger let him sync his soul not only with Spirit, but with Poppy now as well. The two weapons were also furious about what happened to Lorranna, but it was nothing compared to the all-consuming rage that was coursing through the scientist. What made it even worse was that he hadn't remembered that he even had a child until it was too late!!

And so, he now turned on the vile witch that had done this, his soul resonance with both weapons amplifying his power to higher levels than he had ever done with Spirit alone. 

"I... love... you....... Papa............."  Those three words had been her last, and it made things all the more painful to him they had probably been the three she's been waiting to say all her life.

"You're going to regret everything," the scientist growled at the witch, who now had a faint look of fear in her eyes. Stein had tears in the corners of his eyes, but if looks could kill his glare would have obliterated Medusa a thousand times over by now.

"Are you so sure about that, Stein," Medusa's words were certainly brave, but they were hiding her fear of the man as she summoned her vector arrows from her hand, shooting them at the scientist. 

Falling back into a fighting stance, he started to twirl the scythe with one hand, using the other to spin the kusarigama around in a whirlwind of motion, deflecting and/or shredding all of the Vector Arrows that Medusa sent at him out of desperation, as he slowly approached the witch.

Suddenly, he lashed out with the kusarigama, and it wrapped tightly around the witch's waist, the blade pressed up against her stomach, and sent his soul wavelength crackling along the chain to channel into Medusa, causing her to scream in pain!!!

Then, he yanked the chain towards him, causing the kusarigama blade to slice into her stomach, as well as pull the witch towards him, as he readied the Death Scythe with his other hand.

Medusa gasped when she felt the kusarigama's blade stabbed into her, and then looked at Stein in terror when he pulled her within arm's reach of him. Before she could say anything, the scientist lashed out with Death Scythe, slicing the witch in two, and yanked the chain hard enough to tear an even greater rend in her body, causing vectors of blood to splatter around him and into the air!

Dropping the two weapons as his mind slowly returned from madness, Stein walked over where Lorranna's- no his daughter's unmoving body laid. Why did this happen? Why her? It should have been him.

Falling onto his knees, not caring about the blood that stained his clothing, he picked up her still and thin frame, feeling how light she felt in his arms, as silent tears streamed freely down his face.

As he began rocking her in his arms, Kid and his two weapon partners ran from where he had heard sounds of battle before. Their clothes were torn in several places and covered in what looked like dirt and blood, stopping at the sight of Stein, Maka's father, and Poppy.

"Professor? What's wrong?! Are you o-" Kid asked before he finally spotted Lorranna's body curled in Stein's arms; her body not moving for some reason that Kid couldn't think of.

"Lorranna? What happened, Professor? Why is Lorranna not moving?" Kid asked, his face slowly going pale with worry for the girl he cared for.

Stein didn't say anything, but looked over at the three with a grieving look on his face, tears streaming from his eyes as he didn't fight them, and Kid realized what must have happened...

Crushed, Kid managed to stumble over to where Stein sat before he himself fell to his knees, his hand hovering over her face that he had admired from afar and from up close. For once in his life, symmetry didn't matter. Nothing did. All that mattered was the girl in front of him who should not be that pale.

Spirit, who had stayed at a distance while his old friend and partner grieved for his long-lost daughter, started walking towards the pair and looked over Stein's shoulder at the girl. His own daughter, Maka, had told him how much of a friend she was and everything they had done together.

That was when he noticed a small piece of hair by her face was moving slightly.... Wait, was she breathing after that?!

"Oh my god! Stein, I think she's breathing!!!!!"

Looking back at Spirit and then to his daughter again, Stein checked to see if she had a pulse, which she did, but it was faint. However, it was enough to give him some hope that she would live if he had any say in it!


A/N: So... yeah. Stein went on a rampage after finding out Lorranna was his daughter, going after Medusa like a man on a mission, which he kinda was. Then they find out Lorranna is still breathing (If you want an explanation for that: Anime) and they're rushing her to the hospital/infirmary. 

I'm mostly giving Kudos to my friend who helped me write this for this chapter since she came up with Stein's mental breakdown there (and she really really really really loves Stein). 

Thanks for reading this, pet me with your comments and Peace out! 

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