Chapter 9 The Evening Party of Doom!! Finally found?

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Author's Note: Things finally heat up with the DWMA Anniversary Party!!! If you've watched the anime, you know what's about to go on here!!


Fireworks shot in the distance as students and staff alike filled through the large open doors of the DWMA, everyone dressed their best. "C'mon, Lorranna! It's time to party!" Poppy exclaimed happily, grinning like an idiot as she ran up the small steps. The Weapon girl was wearing a searing red gown with black leggings, her hair pinned up with a gold pin, and short golden heels.

"Poppy, this is a formal gathering, not a birthday party," Lorranna said, as she finished making sure that her hair was exactly the same on both sides. She was wearing a black dress with black leggings, and black silk gloves that almost came up to her shoulders. She was also wearing black leather boots, and had pinned her hair up with a black ribbon to resemble a perfectly-symmetrical rose. "Bring a change of normal clothes too; you never know what might happen." Just because she was wearing a dress didn't mean she was totally comfortable in it.

"Okay!" Poppy chirped, then muttered, "you're such a worry-wart..."

"I heard that," the blonde said loudly, as she meticulously applied her black and gold eye makeup. She had already painted her lips a rich red color, and carefully applied her blush to be even on both sides. For an event as important as this, she wanted to make a good impression. By her side, she had a large purse with a change of her normal outfit in it, as well as a photo that she had always carried with her, whether the others knew it or not.

The photo was a locket of her as a baby and her mother: a woman that looked much like herself, but had deep blue eyes instead of her unusual gray-green. They were sitting in the parlor room of the house she remembered from her childhood.

The only thing missing from what would have otherwise been a great family photo...

Was her father.


When the two girls arrived at the gala, they both immediately found Kid and his two weapons standing by the door in wait to greet everyone, and Kid's gaze immediately locked on to Lorranna.

"L-Lorranna!" he said in surprise, his eyes widening as his face brightened in a pink blush, "You... you look..."

"Yes? The blonde asked shyly, blushing a little. Kid smiled in awe.

"You look incredible," he finally managed to say, causing her blush to deepen.

"Thank you, Kid," she said, smiling. They walked into the gala together, their partners giggling madly behind them...

-----(Time Skip)-----

Lorranna scowled, glaring at the green magical box that had enclosed the rest of the others at school... including Lord Death.

"Medusa.... Who would have thought that the good nurse would turn out to be a witch?" she growled, now glaring at her outfit. The dress, though nice, was not really appropriate for fighting in, especially with her preferred fighting style. Locking eyes with Poppy, she nodded, and the two of them ducked into two nearby rooms, quickly coming out in their normal outfits.

"I'm going to transform," Poppy told her partner, who nodded. The red-head turned into her kusarigama form, and Lorranna caught the weapon easily, clipping it onto her belt.

"I saw the others who escaped headed down towards the lower levels of the Academy... that's where we need to go," Lorranna said coldly, already on the move.

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