Chapter 21 At the beginning again

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A/N: I know I said this story was completed, but I was re-reading Wandering Soul and I found another chapter that officially ends this for good.

After the battle against the Kishin, things slowly went back to normal at DWMA. When Lord Death was cleared for a full recovery, he used his soul to repair much of the ruined city that had been damaged during the fight and placed it back in its rightful spot.

However, it took some of the students longer to recover what they had lost, but time was an excellent healer when it was allowed to do its part.

And of course, Stein and Lorranna announced themselves to be father and daughter for the ones who were too slow to make the familial connection (*cough*Black Star*cough*). Many others who had figured out for themselves only shook their head and wondered what would happen now that they had TWO Steins in the same City.

Kid and Lorranna, who had decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend, told many of their friends, who told the teachers, which caused Lord Death to start praying that he would not have to kill Stein for attacking his son. It took a lot of convincing, and a good right hook from Lorranna, but Stein gave his blessings to let Kid date his daughter.

And so the story goes....


In a town known as Death City, there lied a school in the center of its streets that children from around the world came to, hoping to make their names known to the world as the best in their profession as hunters of corrupt souls... but if only the kids themselves would turn in their homework!!!

An older man of seventy years sat slumped in his office chair as he graded his student's papers, patchwork-like patterns decorating his clothes and body. Sighing for what felt like the hundredth time, his grey-green eyes peered out the window as he lost himself in thought.

It had been roughly thirty-seven years since the students at the Death Weapon Meister Academy, or DWMA, had defeated the evil Kisin known as Asura, and the school still stood tall and as proud as it ever had, much like Stein himself even though Lorranna told him every year he should retire this time.

Looking back to his desk, his gaze wandered over to the only three photographs he kept on his desk; one being with his lover and their child and the second his daughter the day she got married, wearing a dress her mother had owned. That wedding had definitely been one to remember, with Death's son marrying Franken Stein's daughter. Close friends and family were invited to the event on the school's grounds near the fountain where Kid and Lorranna had almost kissed. The third photo, which his picked up with an aging hand, was of his two grandchildren when the youngest had been born; his daughter was holding her son in her arms while the oldest, a girl, had her arm around the newborn.

Warmth bloomed in his chest, pride evident on his face. Who would have guessed that he, Franken Stein, the crazy scientist, would have such a life as his?

As his mind wandered again, he couldn't help but chuckle as today was when his second grandchild's first day at DWMA, and he wondered what would happen today. You could never know what would happen when a Stein was involved after all.


Thane could not believe how many stairs there were! I mean, this was just stupid! His older sister was supposed to walk with him to school, but had ditched him when she spotted her weapon partner, a scythe weapon named Spirit Evans who was named after his grandfather, and friends walking by.

He had known Spirit since he was a baby since their parents were best friends, so he wasn't too mad. The guy was like an older brother to him, showing off his scythe skills and different moves he created. He just wished that Lucy had taken him with her so he didn't have to climb the stairs all by himself.

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